“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you
should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.”
One of the things the Lord made known to His people
this year is to grant them good success and if God has
spoken, there is no doubt about it that the year is
loaded with divine opportunities to bring you and I
outstanding and great success in your area of
endeavour. The God who has promised us great success
has to play a major role in helping you to locate the
doors of opportunities for your success to spring
forth. That the has promised you success also means
that there will be challenges or obstacles or barriers
or hindrances to walk through by faith for your story
to become glory.
In Genesis 26:1-6, the Bible tells us that in the
days of Isaac in the land of Gerar (Philistine
nation), there was famine in the land. In other words,
there was a prolonged dry season and Isaac was already
to go to Egypt as his father Abraham did as in the
previous famine. You know what was the outcome for
Abraham lost contact with God, part of his
inheritance, his precious wife and came out of Egypt
with Hagar who became a serious problem to Abraham and
his descendants till date.
The Bible tells us that God appeared to Isaac and
instructed him not to go to Egypt but rather to stay
in the land and our God renewed His covenant of
blessings and outstanding success with him as he did
to his father Abraham.
This year God will appear to you, will reveal his
mind or ways to the promised land, to your blessing,
abundance and success to you. God told Isaac stay in
the land. The land for you is discovering the purpose,
the plan and the perfect will of God for you in every
area of life. God has destined you for outstanding
success but the success will not come outside the
land-His perfect will for you. So you must discover
what God wants you to do, where he wants you to do it,
when he wants you to do it, how he wants you to do
God has promised to be with you. His divine presence
and prompt obedience to his divine instruction is what
will bring you to great success this year.
Jesus Christ instructed Peter having suffered lack
through out the night to launch into the deep. It
looked absurd, because it was professionally unethical
to fish in broad daylight. But because the Master of
the universe, the Lord , the impossibility specialist
spoke “Launch into the deep” and Peter in response or
in obedience to Christ instruction “Nevertheless at
your Word” had a multitude of catch of fish. Failure
was turned into great success. Peter suddenly became
an employer of labour and a celebrity. This year, I
see God instructing you in the way you shall go and
your failures will be turned to success, stories to
The widow of the prophet in 2 Kgs 4:1-7 was another
person whose hopeless situation was turned around as
she received and obeyed instruction from the man of
God “Elisha.” She got her success story. Her inherited
debt was paid, children were redeemed and she and her
sons had more than enough to spend for the rest of
their lives.
Paul made great success of his ministry and calling
because he constantly heard from God and did in
accordance to God’s instruction.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was a perfect example of a man
with outstanding success. “For the Father loves the
son and shows him all he does, yes to your amazement,
He will show him even greater things than these.” (Jn
The Bible admonishes us that you should not allow the
book of the law depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt
meditate on it day and night, that thou mayest observe
to do according to all that is written there in, for
then shalt thou make thy way prosperous and then shalt
thou have good success.
Every humble child or son of God who shall submit
himself or herself to the Lord will be instructed in
what is right and thought the ways of God.
To hear the Lord is the pathway of success. He has
fashioned or paved for you this year. Simply ask or
call on Him. He said call on me and I will answer you
and show you great and mighty things you know not
about. Ask Him for the doors of success he has opened
for you in 2005 and He will surely show you.
God instructed Isaac on what to do in a famine
season. The result was an outstanding success. “Isaac
planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a
hundred fold, because the Lord blessed him. The man
grew until be became very rich and his wealth
continued to grow until he became very wealthy.
Every divine instruction must be followed with
prompt obedience because it is not the hearers but the
doers of the Word that shall be blessed. Your
willingness to obey God’s instruction in every area of
your life will bring great success.
Your friend-Bamikole Isaac.
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