Friday, November 30, 2007



Here am I and the children whom the LORD has given me. We are for signs and wonders in Israel, from the LORD of hosts, who dwells in Mount Zion,” (Isa 8:18).

The almighty God did recreate and redeem you through Jesus Christ so as to make you a living proof or evidence of His presence or His coming into your life for the whole world around you. You are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ to become an object of admiration and for you and people around you to have a feeling of awe and a producer of such acts that is, amazing and wonderful acts becoming your life style.

Your coming to Mount Zion is to give you new testimonies, a new name that will reveal the wonderful plans of the almighty God and for the name to produce the miraculous for you. The wonderful things that God ordered for you will come to pass in a few months from now.

God gave Moses as a sign for Israel, Pharaoh and the Egyptians. God will be with you, will change you, empower and anoint you to be for signs and wonders, your word and speech shall become authority that people and situations listen to and obey in Jesus’ name.

Moses encountered God, a fugitive became a deliverer, having been delivered from fear, destiny truncaters, his rejection gave way to his acceptance as a ruler and deliverer. As you read this message you shall be restored to fulfill God’s original plan and purpose for your life in Jesus’ name.

One of the main reasons why Jesus came is to make you for signs and for wonders having saved you. God’s Spirit has been given to you to confirm His word with signs and wonders, as the gospel is being preached, like wise the gifts of the Holy Spirit which enables the building of the body of Christ.

In the Old Testament, the widow of Zarephath said this concerning Elijah, “Now by this I know that you are a man of God and that the word of the LORD in your mouth is the truth.” (1Kg.17:24). What provoked this statement from this widow was the miracle of the dead child coming alive through the prayer of Elijah.

I pray for you now in the name of the resurrected Lord that every good thing the enemy has killed in your life come alive again in Jesus’ name.

Jesus Christ gave the commission of preaching the gospel to all who believe in His Name and said these signs will follow those who believe “In my Name” will cast out demons, speak in new tongues and lay hands on the sick to recover. The disciples (believers) went everywhere and Jesus worked with them confirming the word through accompanying signs and miracles.

You are for signs and wonders, an asset and not a liability in the kingdom of God. Take miracles (signs and wonders) out of Christianity and all you have left is another lifeless religion. Without miracles there is no proof that Jesus is alive.

Christ showed Himself alive by many infallible proofs. Signs and wonders showed God’s approval of Christ’s life and ministry. People need Christ, they seek reality and they believe when they have proof that Jesus is alive and real. People are made to walk with God, they instinctively seek for Him through one good religious ritual but the gospel term proclaimed is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believes (Rom. 1:16).

The Apostle prayed for power to witness for Jesus with accompanying miracles (Acts 4:29-31, 33).

Phillip did signs and wonders in one of the cities of Samaria that compelled sorcerers, diviners, demons, sicknesses and diseases sorrow to give up on their victims (Acts 8:5-8).

Signs and wonders verify God’s support for you and your ministry as a believer not as a Pastor or Evangelist, Apostle or Prophet or a Teacher. God also bears witness both with signs and wonders with various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit according to His own will (Heb 2:4). People need Christ; they seek for reality and will believe when they have proof that Jesus is alive and real. Be born again, live a holy life believe what God says you are, preach the gospel, tell it, confess it everywhere to the crowd, individuals, public or private. Jesus is still doing today what He did on earth before He went to heaven. He is alive forevermore. The proof of His resurrection from the dead is by doing signs and wonders.

Do not disappoint Jesus Christ any longer; use the God given resources and the personality of the Holy Spirit to bring glory to heaven and joy to the earth.


N.B: Please introduce this website to at least 7 people and your miracle will be perfected. “You can write back to us on the following E mails; rccgzion@yahoo.com ,isaacbamikole@yahoo.com


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