Thursday, March 16, 2006


« Now the Lord had said to Abram, Get out of your country from your family ? And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation, I will bless you. And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you, And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Gen 12:1-3).

Everyone born of God, redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ has been called to make strong impression and effect in life, his her environment where you live or carry out day to day work. The life of God impacted into you at new birth is to cause you to bring positive change in the world around you. Infact the godly authority and power vested to you by virtue of your position as a priest and king brought you to the class of world changers, and a people whose life activities and endeavours is point people to the almighty God and bring glory to His holy name, and blessing to humanity in your generation and even the generation yet to come.

Abram was called out to be blessed by God among the blessing pronounced on him is that he will become a great nation, have a great name and be a blessing. A life that is blessed and become a blessing is a life of impact.

Abraham’s impact on the history of mankind can never be forgotten his life was so impressive that people of other religions (fake religion) believers in God have to identify and associate with Abraham and the God of Abraham. Everyone, every where will always associate with an achiever and successful either for one good or wrong motive or the other.

The life of Abraham was a great influence that Islamic religion as contradictory to God of Abraham in practice as it is claim that Abraham is their father but not of the covenant hence the negative impact it is having in the life of people, society where it has been rooted or established.

The scripture says “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree) that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the gentiles in Christ Jesus that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” Gal 3:13-14.

By virtue of your redemption, God through Christ has called you to a man of influence and affluence in your society. You are not called into a life of a beggar or valley but a life on the mountain top to bring positive changes (light and life) as to the world of the people around you.

Jesus Christ washed you in His own precious blood and made you to be kings and priests to His God and Father, who have glory and dominion forever and ever.

If you are Christ, Christ be His finished work on the cross of Calvary has made you a king and a priest, a prince of God who have glory and dominion.

There is no king who does not have a kingdom over which he rules, exercise authority, which mush be automatically obeyed by all his subjects, natives and non-natives within his domain, geographical or ethnic boundaries. The king rule and influence in the physical, go to war against his enemy ensure security, safety and abundance supply of every good thing that is a necessity to living. He is a man honoured, respected blessed by his subjects. He has tremendous authority to determine what happen within his kingdom.

So as king to the almighty God you are to rule and reign here on earth, all earthly thing are under your control or dominion to influence, and will them for God’s glory now and for evermore. You are to bring all things into subjection to the obedience of Christ, a king is on top ruling and reigning by majesty, wealth and by decree. He is a man whose name is always written down in the annals of record either for good or bad. The kings name is known by his subjects, even by outsiders because it is a great name. The demons in the children of Sceva said Paul I know, Jesus I know but who are you. Paul was a king that influence the then generation in his time and even now, believers Christian, non-Christian and even hell knew him. May your life from now have impact in Jesus name.

A priest is-in-charge of Spiritual authority. He represent the people before God and represent God before the people. As a priest you are to influence heaven in favour of your Life, people and the society where you Life. You are to make so much impact with heaven that the people around you are seeing nothing but God almighty in you and all around you, so much that no matter their wickedness and cevel of idolatry that they come to recognise and worship the king of king and High priest that has made you a priest.

Daniel in the land of Babylon in a strange land and as a slave made so much impact that the king of Babylon “Darices” to pass a decree that all his people should serve the God of Daniel because there was non like Him. “I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel” (Dan 6:26).

The regenerated man is a carrier of God of God’s living and divine being (Holy Spirit) that is to make him fruitful, increase, blossom, be victorious, prosperous successful, be in health and dominion perpetually because that is God’s command concerning you. (Gen 1:28)

God foreknew you predestined you, called you justified and glorified you before the foundation of the earth. Is it not for that your life should strongly impress the knowledge, glory and fullness of God on the people of the society or nation where your live.

What are the things to do to make impact in your generation and even the one to come.

First you must be well connected to the source of life who is Jesus Christ and let His life given Spirit and power daily flow into and through your. John 15:5

Second, your obedience to God’s command must be prompt and complete or total. God hate incomplete obedience. Gen 12:4. If your obedience is complete, you will eat the good of the land (Isa 1:19). God told Abraham to walk before him blameless, perfect, so that His purpose for to influence and impact his generation and the ones to come for Him. So holy and righteous living is so important to making impact in life.

Third, be an intercessor, Abraham’s prayer life influenced God’s decision on Sodom and Gomorrah especially for his cousin and his family. Through your prayers you can birth the salvation, healing and deliverance of individuals, families, towns and cities and nations (Gen 18:25-32).

Fourth, be generous and hospitable, give in love cheerfully and in continuous basis. Be a giver in offering and in tithes and you will see God open the windows of heaven to you to bless you and make you a blessings so much that nations will call you blessed Mal 3:10-12, Gen 14:20.

Fifth, a strong believer in the God of heaven is very important; the heroes of faith in Hebrew did exploit I their time by faith that even today we are still taking about them as an example to follow.

Sixth, to impact your generation you must be a faithful witness for the Lord, proclaimed Jesus to all and sundry philipt enter one of the city of Samaria and in some few days turned the city upside down for the Lord, chased out demons in the people life to be filled with the Holy Spirit, replaced sorrow with joy, death with life, oppression with liberty. (Acts 8:5-8) This a life of impact that you are called to.

You are called to live not just to exist and you have this life to live once. You can by his grace and provision live a footprint on planet earth, that generation yet to come will benefit from.

You can talk to the almighty God like psalmist “O God you have taught me from my youth and to this day I declare your wondrous works, Now also when I am old and Gray headed. O God, do not forsake me. Until I declare your strength to this generation, your power to everyone who is to come” Psalms 71:17-18.


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