« And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord, »and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever Now when they began to sing and to praise, « the lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir who had come against Judah, and they were defeated (2 Chro 20:21-22).
Praise or worship God for who He is and we thank Him for what he does. Praise and thank most of the time goes together. We are created to praise God, the Bible declares that it is good to sing praise to our God for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. Praise is as important spiritual fours as prayer, without it life becomes jaded and impoverished. The scripture declares Oh that men would praise the lord, for His goodness and for His wonderful works, for He has broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron asunder.
Your victory is a settled matter of you will make up your mind to praise God and extol His holy name at all times.
Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. As a Christian, know how to fill your life with praise and thanks to God in every situation no matter how dark and difficult; be conscious of God’s mercy streaming in from heaven. To face life’s challenges with buoyancy and confidence, give Him praise continually.
Angels in heaven day and night praise the Lord yet God delight in the praise of Israel (His covenant children) and it is in their praise that He is enthroned.
Praise play a prominent role or part in turning defeat into victory, in such a way that it is impossible to define properly, praise releases God’s power into difficult situations and set the stage for great spiritual victories.
In our text, the Bible told us that vast army came against Johosaphat, in Jerusalem and Judah Johosaphat and the people sought God’s face in prayer and fasting, yet God instructed them to go and declare His praise concerning the battle that has been waged against them, the result was a great victory that is still been use as a reference point today.
Your case could be like that of Johosaphat, has a vast army or enemies invaded your life, family marriage, ministry, business or career, town or nation, rise up today to give the almighty God quality praise, victory will surely come your way. The secret Judah’s victory is the fact that they recognised that the battle is not theirs but God’s (2Chro20:15). Many of us are constantly defeated by our circumstances because we are not ready to accept that the battle is God’s not ours despite our own powerlessness to cope. You may not understand how praise brings victory; you don’t have to understand you are called to stand in praise.
In some of life situations God tells us to trust Him, praise Him and watch Him work. God require from us the step of faith to do what He asks us whether we understand it or not. In Joshua 6:1-20, the children of Israel were face with the wall of Jericho which was an other major obstacle to entering the promise land, God gave them simple instruction (verse 5) as a result, the wall crash down before them. Walls of great difficulties that threaten and overwhelm falls as we praise God. God is the God of miracles and wonders as you praise Him your walls of Jericho will come crashing down. Hallelujah.
David in 2 Sam 22:1-20 said I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praise and I will be saved from my enemies. Everything in David’s life at this time seems to have gone wrong, but extol and magnify His God above all his troubles and enemies.
Is everything in your life seem to have gone wrong and you drag yourself through one crisis only to face another, lift up your hands and throw back your shoulders. Are you faced daily with despair that threatens to engulf your soul? Are you beset by the threats of those seeking your downfall and hurt? In such a time turn to God in an attitude of praise, lift up your head today is your day of deliverance.
The way of praise is away of deliverance make much of Jesus in your praise for God delight in His son. Realise the power creator, stop meditating on your problem and magnify the Lord and God’s power goes to work for you. Turn your mind from your problem right now and focus on God with all sincerity praise Him tell Him how great and wonderful He is and how glad you are that He is on your side and you on His.
This is not manipulation, silence the devil tell him whether God deliver you or not you will praise Him But I want to assure you, your deliverance will come.
In Acts 16/16-34, Paul and Silas in prison refused to believe, that God had deserted them or that He was unmindful of their plight. They had a strong inner conviction that every thing was working out for God’s glory and their good.
Paul and Silas praise God and He responded, released His power into the dark and difficult situation and turn defeat into victory.
Psalm 56:3-4, the Bible says “Whenever I am afraid I will trust you. In God (I will praise His Word). In God I have put my trust; I will not fear what can flesh do to me”.
Praise is a precursor to a miracle. Jesus used seven loaves of bread and two pieces of fish to feed five thousand men when you praise and thank God with a grateful heart He turns your lack to abundance, poverty to prosperity, sickness to health, death to life etc.
Lazarus was raised from death to life after which thanksgiving and praise have been offered to God by the Master. There is a major miracle and breakthrough prepared for you by the father you praise and thanksgiving will provoke the release.
Praise is as powerful as prayer in bringing about spiritual victories, lifting up of burden depression etc.
There are conditions or atmosphere of praise that is acceptable to God. Some of which are;
1) Heartfelt praise is the only praise that will reach heaven. Sing the praise of God with utter delight and sincerity. Heartfelt gratitude to God is often prelude to a miracle or victory. God needs a thankful and grateful worshipper. Speak good thing about God.
2) God considers obedience to His word more important than extravagant sacrifice. Praise acceptable to God must come from an obedient heart.
3) Reconciliation with fellow Christians is a condition for acceptable praise. Do not offer praise to God when your heart is full of bitterness and hatred towards another Christian or person or God.
4) Genuine continuity is necessary for praise to victory. Pride and self-righteousness can hinder our praise. Pride kills thanksgiving (Amos 4:4-5)
5) Praise that is not given cheerfully falls short of the ideal (Exo 35:29)
6) Another quality needed to accompany praise given to God is divine grace.
You must have intimate relationship with God. Praise should be with good will, marginality and large heartedness; praise must be given with a generous disposition.
You can’t praise God genuinely if you have a bitter and quarrelsome spirit. If you do then you are praising God with grace in your heart and it is in Christ Jesus you have that abundant grace.
So you need to make your life right with Jesus Christ by surrendering to Him, Make the Lord of your life and continually declare His praise.
Pst Isaac.
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