Wednesday, April 26, 2006


But to you who fear My Name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day that I do this; says the Lord of Host.

God is a God of season and time. He has absolute control over the season and time of men, nations and the church. In the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 Verses 1-8, the Bible describes the various seasons and times which have its own purpose under the heaven. Regardless of the season and time, the Almighty God makes everything beautiful in His time.

To you who fear “My Name”, the season and time for the Day Spring, the Light from heaven and the Sun of Righteousness to break upon you has come. Then is a new order, a new glory, a new dawn coming upon who walk uprightly before Him. He is putting an end to your sorrow, mourning, sighing, weeping and everything that has to do with darkness in your life and environment.

There is an end to His anger and a beginning of favour for life. There is an end to your weeping and night. Your joy, morning and sunrise have come. Lord says because of His tender mercies, “The Light from heaven”, the Sun of Righteousness is about to break upon you.

From now, God will make your life to matter. You will be blessed and be a blessing. Your influence in your family, community and nation shall be noticed and people will come into your light and glory. They will evolve around you and be influenced positively.

God has designated this season and time for all who love and serve Him in truth to receive salvation, deliverance and victory. As the Sun rises and your light breaks forth, there is a new dawn and a new beginning. God’s glory and righteousness will shine like the sun bringing to you the Ultimate Goodness, Blessings, Salvation, Delivrance and Healing.

1) - Ultimate Goodness: The best part of the good of the land just as God gave the land of Goshen to the children of Israel in Egypt, because your portion is in the land of the living. His Excellent Spirit begins to manifest in you to make you excel in every area of your endeavour. God will make all His goodness possible to pass before you. As the light breaks forth on you, God’s glory, honour and favour becomes your lot and no good thing will be withheld from you. His goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life. (Psalm 84:11; Psalm 23:6; and Exodus 33:19).

2) - Ultimate Blessings: As the Sun rises upon you, expect Divine Help, Happiness, Favour, Protection, Approval, Long Life, Direction from the Lord. (Psalm 128:1-6; Isaiah 35:10)

3) - Ultimate Salvation: Brethren, the season for the saving of your soul from sin and its consequences has come. If you will fear Him you will be saved from ruin, loss and failure. (I Thessalonians 5:9; I John 3:8).

4) - Ultimate Delivrance: God is out to save those that fear Him from bad situations and danger, because of His Sunrise. “The eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine.” (Psalm 33:17).

5) - Healing: is one of the marks of the heirs of the Kingdom whose sun has arisen. The sun will cause you to become healthy both physically and spiritually, productive in the works of your hands. The sun will bring comfort to the afflicted and heal the broken hearted. 5Matthew 4:23; II Chronicles 7:14; Isaiah 53:5-6 and Psalm 147:3).

When the Sun rises upon you, everything that has been wrong will be made right. God’s people will leap for joy like calves released from the stall. Weeping is turned to joy, failure to success and defeat to victory.

In Genesis 23:31, the Bible records that the sun rose upon Jacob and hence significant changes began in his life. His enemy suddenly became his friend and his guard. Planned destruction was changed to reconciliation, fear to triumph and distress to joy. He began to walk differently from the past. He entered into the Ultimate Purpose of God for his life.

The Bible says, “Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you”. I see your life taking a new turn for the best in the Name of Jesus, if you begin to walk differently from the past. That is walking with God in absolute trust and obedience.

Your season of mercy and favour has come. Walk in the fear of God and in righteousness. Be a praise warrior, a generous giver, a prayer warrior and a soul winning warrior. Your light must surely shine forth as you are connected to the Sun of Righteousness.


1 - Father, let the cloud blocking the sunlight of my glory and Ultimate Breakthrough be dispersed.

2 - Let the fire of God consume any rock, chain, fetter or peg tying me down to the same spot.

3 - Lord, help me to identify and deal with any weakness in me that can hinder my shinning or sunrise forever.

4 - Father, let your light in me so shine to scatter or disperse darkness and for the people to see your good work and glorify you.

5 - Lord, in your mercy and favour, let the sun light from heaven break upon me. Let not my light go down again. (Isaiah 60:20; Luke 1:78).



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