Wednesday, January 16, 2008


“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father; Prince of peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)

Jesus entered the world as a babe through the Virgin Mary by supernatural ability of God in the person of the Holy Spirit. His birth and growth on earth were both divine and human. He grew from being a child of God into becoming a son of God. “And the child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon Him. And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and men.” (Luke 2:40, 45)

Like Jesus Christ, you are ushered into the kingdom of God as a child or a babe. On your entry as a babe, God expects you to grow into sonhood whereby His purpose and counsel for your life begin to manifest. In John 1:12-13, the Bible says, “But as many as received Him to them He gave the right to become children of God to those who believe in His name; who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man but of God.”

“As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby.”(1 Pet. 2:2). God has made provision for you to grow into maturity; spiritually, physically, mentally and socially. As a child of God there are so many things you will not be able to handle on behalf of your heavenly Father and His kingdom. You are saved to serve. Your salvation comes with responsibilities and privileges so it will only take a son to carryout the divine assignment prepared for him and to enforce the rule or order of the kingdom in all life situations and circumstances.

“Now I say that the heir as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave though he is master of all, but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the Father, and at the fullness of time God sent forth His Son to redeem those of us from the bondage of slavery and the law to receive the adoption as sons.

And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts, crying out “Abba Father.”

Jesus Christ did not manifest God’s power and glory as a child of God. In Luke 4, he was led to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit having received the baptism of the Holy Spirit but, He left the wilderness to Galilee in the power of the Holy Spirit. Thereafter, His speech, teaching and preaching were with the demonstration of the Spirit power, with divine authority, wisdom, signs and wonders that exert His authority over Satan, demons, sickness, disease, lack and all evil vices.

As a disciple and follower of Christ, you are a son. As a son you have been privileged to visit God because the door will always be opened to discuss intimately with the Most-High because the Spirit of Sonship is in you. You have privacy with God to discuss pertinent issues on a frank note and it affords you custom built blessings and miracles. For you as a son, general rules could be waved in secret. As a son, learn to correctly enter into His presence, this you can do by your continuous praise, bathe in the blood of Jesus, enter His Holy place humbly and worship Him. As a son in the presence of a Father, you have access to God’s vision, prophecy, touch, smile or touch of rod.

As a son who wants to have constant access to His presence, you must make holiness your life style.

The devil or Satan’s ministry is to steal, kill and destroy lives of individuals, families, towns or cities or nations by making them to sin against God. But, it will take a son of God to offer special sacrifice to God to avert the destruction of lives and nations by the devil. Daniel interceded in Babylon for the restoration of Israel back to their land and God hearkened to his prayer and petition.

Today, God is still looking for His sons who will present themselves as living sacrifices before Him and stand in the gap for the salvation of our fast decaying and degenerating world:

“For the earnest expectation of creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”

Dear friend, the time has come for you to surrender your life to Jesus Christ and become a child of God and having become a child of God, you must aspire to grow in your relationship with the Master to be ushered into Sonhood, the place of manifestation of the glory and power of God and exerting kingdom virtues everywhere you go.

We believe you have been blessed reading through this message. Please, send the website address to ten (10) people and God will multiply your blessings in Jesus’ Name.


Pastor Bamikole Isaac.


I want to thank God for keeping me and my family safe for these 365 days. Last year, I buried more than nine (9) persons but this year of Emmanuel, God said no. I have been saved from all such things.

Bro. Emmanuel.

My husband has been complaining about his stomach for long and has even attended conferences and many solution nights. But during these three days of praise during the end of 2007,(the pastor decreed the three days to the end of 2007 days of praise to the Lord) God decided to touch him.

Brethren I want to advise you never to miss a programme because you never can tell your day of visitation.

My husband started vomiting here in church on the second day of praise and when we went home, he continued vomiting but to the glory of God, he has not complained about anything again.

Sr. Flora.

I want to thank God for His protection and for all His doings in my family in the year 2007.

I also want to thank God for answering my prayers and for the success of my first child and for the publication of her CDs and cassettes.

I equally thank God fro allowing my children to move in the same direction like myself. I actually suffered for them to be born again and it is a blessing to be in conformity with one’s children. I know they will continue in the same direction when I die.

As for myself, I need not testify because when I pass, it will be a testimony on its own.

Pa Ngantu.

I thank God for my spiritual growth during the year 2007 and also for my educational success.

I also want to thank God for His healing. He healed me of a pain around my spinal cord during the healing and miracle service.

Bro. Peter.

I want to thank God for the salvation of my family, for sufficient finances throughout 2007, for my in-laws and also for the fact that He did not allow me to fall this year 2007.

I equally want to thank Him for directing me into RCCG when I came here to Yaoundé from Kumba.

Sr. Esther.

I want to thank God for His faithfulness. The Holy Spirit instructed me to give all I had, that is 20.000 Frs., towards the church project and when I obeyed, he blessed me with 80.000 Frs.

I equally want to thank God for journey mercies to Ebolowa. He took my family and I safely to and fro Ebolowa.

Sr. Camille.

I want to thank God for healing my daughter of sore throat.

Sr. Evelyn.


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