Sunday, December 07, 2008


Events happenings around the world are pointing to the fact that Jesus’ second coming is fast approaching. To be part of the saints who will catch up in the mid air you need to revive the Ancient Land marks
The world Revive means doing something again, improving on it, a fresh encounter with God, a new visitation from God.
Ancient means something in existence before landmark means objects of demarcation, pillar and boundary stones.
The Bible says in Proverbs 22v28 says “Remove not the ancient landmark which your fathers have set”. “Equally in Jeremiah 6v16 the bible says “We should ask for the old paths, the god way and walk in it so that we can experience all round rest”

It’s my prayer that as you’ll revive the ancient landmark and walk in the old paths that are good He will make your path straight in Jesus name and you’ll experience all round rest.
The following are some of the Ancient landmarks old good paths we need to revive:
OBEDIENCE: In Genesis 12v1-3 we saw how father Abraham walked in obedience with God: His call and even the sacrifice of Isaac in Genesis 22 v 1-18 and his blessing was being multiplied by God.
HOLINESS: you need revive your holy living for God is holy and this must be in every aspects of your life. (1Peter 1v14-16) What he did for you especially your salvation is so great that your life must be presented to him as a living sacrifice continuously (Romans 12v 1-2)
GIVING: Father Solomon gave a wonderful and strange offering to God and he was visited with an open cheque 1kings 3v3-13 I can see God placing before you an open cheque in this season. All that you need Jehovah Jurch will give you (Philippians 4 v 18-19) Give him your life time, skill resources etc. Giving demands a sacrifice even when it’s not convent.
WORSHIP: You need to revive your worship life. Let worship be your attitude and not an Act, worship God with honour and dignity. He’s loving for true John 4v 23-24.
SOUL WINNING: Your soul winning life needs revival. You are a disguised pastor in your professions, careers, vocation and business. Influence the sinners around you positively to be united with Jesus. God will make you a faithful witness for Him, your witnessing will be result oriented in Jesus name. Be conscious you’ve been reconciled so that you can reconcile others to Jesus Christ Matthew 28v 18-20 He will always be with you as you get involved in his Heart beat in Jesus name.
PRAYER, FAITH QUIET TIME is ancient landmark that you need to equally revive. Be a power broker through prayer like Elijah. Learn to please God for without faith it impossible to please God. Become a deep Christian for the deep calls unto the deep as you regularly spend time alone with God. 1st kings 17v1, Hebrews 11v1, 6 1peter 2v2 and psalm1 v2.
In conclusion living right, because time is running out, the 2nd coming of Christ is nearer than when we first behaved Romans 13v11
As you will Embrace these Ancient landmark God will prosper you like Isaac, favour you like Joseph, Remember you like Noah, be friendly to you like Abraham talk to you like Moses, Bless you like Solomon, light for you like David and rapture you like Elijah in Jesus name.
Eagerly waiting for you testimony


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