1. Be a peacemaker and not a troublemaker
· Matt.5:9 says “Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God” The Prince of Peace has given you peace. Let this peace flow in all your relationships.
Some couples complain: we are not compatible; we can’t get along, we’re so different. There is a marked contrast between us. As far as God is concerned, Incompatibility is not a problem. It’s a solution. God may have put you together so that your strengths can make up for your partner’s weaknesses and his or her strengths can make up for yours. In that way, you complement each other. In other words, you should complete each other, rather than compete with each other.
· Find out the likes/dislikes of your partner. Don’t allow his or her weaknesses to introduce conflict in your relationship-for example:- your darling husband is the type who uses the water system toilet without flushing it. You have told him a 1000times to flush it but to no avail. Sisters! Don’t grumble! Don’t rebuke him! Don’t make much ado about nothing! Continue to flush the toilet and be the peacemaker in the family. II Timothy 2:22 says “...but follow... peace, with them that call on the Lord...”
When you decide to be the peacemaker and go the extra mile to keep quarrelling out of your home, you’re sowing a seed for God to do a work in that other person especially if you do it prayerfully. You can’t change people, only God can.
· I challenge you to go and negotiate peace in all your relationships today. Don’t wait for somebody else or a third party to be the peacemaker in your relationships. Take the initiative to initiate peace. You may say “but I always say I am sorry. Let him say it too. I am tired of saying I am sorry” please, don’t get tired. These three simple words “I am sorry” will bring peace in your relationship and keep you together.
In Genesis chapter 13, it is written that Abraham moved to a new land with his nephew
Sometimes, no matter how much it hurts, you may have to let the other person do it his or her way just to avoid unnecessary conflict. Because Abraham rejected strife and embraced peace, God honoured him by prospering his work. If you’ll purpose in your mind to maintain peace, the God of peace will bless you with abundance.
Avoid strife in all your relationships because it opens the door to diverse problems. Give up your right to be right and you will be blessed. To bring in peace, you have to sacrifice for peace like Abraham. You have to sow peace.
2. Have a forgiving spirit.
Matt.6:14 says “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you” Even though God has given us a condition that we should forgive others then, He’ll equally forgive us, some of us are bearing grudges with people. In (Rom.12:18) it is written: “if it be possible as much as lies in you, live peaceably with all men” i.e., go to that person and make things right while you still have the opportunity.
- Sacrifice or swallow your pride and apologise even if it wasn’t your fault
- Sacrifice your pride on the altar of peace
3. Encouraging people always
Paul sacrificed his time to write letters of encouragement to Timothy. Instead of being critical about people and focusing on their bad habits, encourage them;
- Show them genuine concern and see beyond their actions; see the potential on their inside and always do good to them. Every where Jesus went, He did good. Acts 10:38 “How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with Him”
Song: Every where he went, he was doing good.
Everywhere He went, He was doing good Almighty healer; He healed the leper when the cripples saw Him, they started walking everywhere He went-Jesus was doing good.
During Pastor E.A. Adeboye’s visit to
· Everybody you encourage can automatically become your Timothy because he will never forget that encouragement.
5. Be a radical sower/ giver and not a receiver
Always sow in your relationships be it spiritually, physically or material things, the Word of God, gifts e.g. Dorcas. Acts 9:36-39
6. Evangelism
We need to evangelise not with our words but with our actions. Don’t tell people: Jesus loves you! Show them love. Sacrifice your time, money and all you can offer. In that way, you will be showing them Jesus and telling them Jesus loves them. Matt.5:35-36. Jesus said “for I was hungry, and you gave me food; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in. V36 naked and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came unto me.
7. Be full of complements
The husband in Proverbs 31 is a classical example of someone who is full of complements. Grab the opportunity to sow a complement in the lives of the people you meet and interact with. In the parable of the Ten talents (Matt.25:14-30) the master said: well done, good and faithful servant. Husbands, sow compliments in the lives of your wives: when she prepares a delicious meal, tell her:
Husbands, complement your wives
· The lunch was delicious.
As she is going out, tell her:
· The perfume you are wearing smells good
· Your hair do is fantastic.
As she hugs you, tell her:
· Your touch is magnetic.
As she charts with you, tell her:
· Your words always move me
Darl, Your look is so powerful
· No matter the faults
· No matter the wrongs
· No matter the Heartaches
· No matter the Poverty
· No matter the Sickness
· No matter the Failures
· No matter the demonic oppressions and repressions and depressions, complements will change the situation. It shall be well with you
Conclusion: David had the option of getting something free to offer to the Lord but he said I will not offer to my God something that cost me nothing. For every sacrifice, there is a cost attached to it, but such cost is an investment that brings great and exceedingly great reward.
Be determined to pay the sacrifice to better the life of others and the almighty God will ensure that your own life is refreshed and changed for the better;
May the Prince and King of Peace permanently reign in your life and domain forever. Amen.
Deaconess Doreen Tanyi T
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