Tuesday, May 09, 2006


“When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water, and behold the heavens were open to Him and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him” (Matthew 3:16)
Each man, woman, each locality, church or fellowship, community or nation have it own heaven over its head. It is possible for the heavens of a man to be closed and yet his immediate neighbour is operating under open heavens.
The difference is so clear concerning the individual operating under closed or open heavens. “When I shut up heavens and there is no rain or command the locusts to devour the land or send pestilence among my people. And your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you shall be iron” (2 Chron 7:13, Deut 28:23).
And behold the heavens were opened to Him Matthew 3:16. Each man operates vertically under a heaven space. It is marked out for each person. Closed heavens is mostly linked with lack of rain and lack of refreshing which is evidenced by famine, sin sickness, drifts, devourers, hardship, lack, poverty, unfruitfulness or lack of productivity and other evil manifestations that bring discomfort to life. When the heavens opened, there is the pouring forth of the rain of heaven, rain in the scripture represents the down pour or out pouring of the Holy Spirit on the lives of men. The pouring forth of heavenly blessings on man for service, a release of anointing for service, it is symbolic of God’s answering prayers His divine presence and approval. Open heavens is a pre-requisite to enjoying God’s favour, fulfilment of His covenants and promises of old.
God's desire for us is to enjoy or live perpetually under open heavens, but closed heavens come as a result of man living in sin and outright disobedience to God’s laws, statutes, command and judgement. Deut28:15, 23, and 24. Closed heavens occur when there is marital disharmony or when there is unfaithfulness in homes or families Malachi 2:13-16. When a person shows no interest or indifference towards heavenly things or misuse God’s grace, that individual or community will definitely experience closed heavens. If your heaven is closed, there are definite steps you must take to secure your open heavens. “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then l will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chron.7:14).
To secure open heavens therefore:
(i) Hunger and thirst for open heavens. Hunger and thirst for God's intervention in your life, cry desperately for a refreshing, to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Heavens will be opened to the desperate in seeking God, those whose confession is, if God does not do it, no one else can. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness For they shall be filled (Matt 5:6) (ii) Be patient and optimistic as you labour in prayer for your heavens to be opened (1kings 18:43-45) Example Jesus Christ deliberately sought the heavens to be opened unto Him (Matt 3:13-17)
(iii) Genuine repentance, restitution and humility is required (2 Chron 7:14). Tarry; wait for your heavens to be opened. Elisha followed Elijah from Gilgal to Bethel, to Jericho and across the Jordan River in order to secure his open heaven. (2kings 2:4-14). The apostle responded to Jesus' command to wait in Jerusalem until you are endowed with rain and power. At the fullness of time heaven was opened unto them for the supernatural manifestation (Acts 2:1-4). To secure open heaven you must turn away from your wicked ways; pull down evil alters. Baal and every idol in your life must be completely broken down, worldliness must be discarded. Turn to God again.
Absolute consecration to God is very important to secure open heavens. abide in Christ, in his word, inhis love, his word must abide in you, you must be willing to subject yourself to constant pruning and develop a progressive intimacy with God. Open heavens come with tremendous blessings such as :
· Great down pour of blessings and fulfilment.
· Promises long expected suddenly find fulfilment
· Open heavens generate commitment to God
· Open heavens comes with much provision in every way
· Little effort brings much unprecedented results.
As you secure open heavens, maintain it. God has never stopped any revival. It has always been man who always stops the flow of the anointing and God’s blessing. God desires continuous out pouring of His blessings.
Open heavens is for born again children of God. Revival is for God’s people. May you continue to enjoy open heaves in Jesus name.
Yours in Him
Pastor Bamikole Isaac


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