Friday, February 13, 2009


But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listing to them, suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and every one’s chains were loosed.
When ever the almighty God step into a situation a life, church, city or nation all things are turned around according to his own purpose and plan because his entry is marked by force authority and power which no man can resist or stand against. When He enters a place every other force that have been dominating that life or place are completely overthrown. When He invades a place or life his impart is tremendously felt; devastating destruction are unleashed in the camp of his enemies, all agents of darkness are silenced, chains are broken bars are cut asunder, sickness, diseases affliction, failure and all other evil vices give way to His awesome presence
In Acts 8:5-10Philip entered into Samaria with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and power, spirit of infirmities, paralysis, stagnation, sorcery, sorrow and death were dealt with. The sorrow in the lives of the inhabitant of that city was turned to joy, darkness gave way to light, sickness to health, oppressor; become oppressed. In this season as you invite the fullness of the Holy Spirit into your life and domain the tide shall turn for your good in Jesus name.
In Ezekiel 37:1-11 there was a great multitude of confessed, hopeless discouraged people lying in the valley bottom, when the Holy Spirit of God invaded their camp in the valley, life came upon this hopeless people, restoration and refreshing became their portion, shame was turned to glory and honour, complacency gave way to militancy. There was a rising of a mighty army. As you are reading this message the wind of the Holy Spirit will come upon you, impart you with strength to walk out of that valley experience and ascend to the mountain top in Jesus name.
When the Holy Spirit invades a life, business, ministry, town or nation, there is healing, lack gives way to abundant supply of all kind of good things. The cursed become blessed, this season the Holy Spirit shall invade your life to bring supernatural blessing in Jesus name (Ezekiel 47:8-11; Psalm65:9-10).
The Holy Spirit invaded the house where the disciples were waiting on the Lord, their lives ministries were dramatically transformed and transfigured. Fear gave way to boldness; oppression gave way to dominion, discouragement gave rise to courage, disappointment was turned to appointment obscurity gave way to prominence, because the Holy Spirit took over their lives; beloved desire complete invasion of the Spirit and you will have cause to glorify God for the rest of your life.
The divine presence entered the camp of the enemies and adversaries of the people of God, the enemies got confused and helped to destroy one another; In other incidence the divine presence entered the siege of the Syrian army, they were terrified and took to fight at twilight. Invite the divine presence of the almighty God into the camp of your enemies and you will have no battle to fight but gather the plunder of your enemies (2 Chro20:22-23; 2Kings 7:6-7)
When the Holy Spirit invades a life, family, place, town or church the causes ripple effects or chain reaction. Paul and Silas chains were broken; bars of limitation were removed, other people in the prison were equally liberated, prison bars and gates were thrown open, fear came upon the prison guard and warders, elements of nature responded in their favour, salvation came into the household of the jailer those who have terrorised and intimidated Paul and Silas with their position and power were terrified and afraid, God was glorified. God will be glorified in your situation this day as the Holy Spirit make triumphant entry into your life and situation anew and afresh.
What do we need to do to provoke divine invasion
Ø Wait patiently on the Lord in prayer and fasting and expectant of His visitation
Ø Worship and praise the almighty God sing songs hymns and psalms unto Him. Worship Him in the Spirit and understanding until permanent change into your life and situation.


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