Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Beloved we have run through six months of this year and we have just started the second half of the year. I want to assure you that it is still possible for to Rise on to Higher Ground.
What so ever you have achieved before, you can still do better. Your best for this year shall be revealed in this second half of the year in Jesus name.
There are forces that rule the world; the force of need and gravitational force. You need to develop an insatiable appetite spiritually this time around. God does not expect you to be stagnant in life He wants you to move forward. This month you will move forward in the name of Jesus.
In second Kings 6 verses 1-7 the sons of the prophets saw a need to get to higher ground acquire what it take to meet the need and they become a celebrity. That takes us to three things you need to do to move to higher ground;
1. Locate a need this second half of the year and acquire what is needed to meet the need. The sons of the prophet located the need for expansion, got the axehead fall the wood for enlargement.
2. Prepare for casualty: casualties if well handed are to be stepping stones to our higher ground. God’s instruction to you in this second half of the year is that do not be discourage, be strong, bold and courageous for this will enhance your pursuing your dream and vision for higher ground.
3. Prepare for the extraordinary. The supernatural hand of the Lord will magnify your steps to higher ground this second half of the year. Put your confidence in Him and in His words and take the right action, He will pleasantly surprise you beyond your widest imagination.
Get ready for a mouth full of blessings. In line with psalms 80 verse 1; the shepherd of Israel will shine forth for you in all aspects of your life in Jesus name.
Please sing this prophetic song with faith and it shall be so for you in Jesus name, see you on top.
I am going higher
I am going higher
Forward ever
Backward never
Day by day
I am going every day (2x)
Hope to hear your testimony very soon.
God bless you richly in Jesus name.


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