Wednesday, May 17, 2006


“And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods in the fruit of your body in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, You shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today and are careful to observe them” Deut 28:11-13. There are five levels of manifestation of the kingdom wealth or blessing which we shall briefly look into. God desire that you manifest these five levels as a mark of the fulfilment of His covenant of blessing or prosperity·
Being able to eat and be full. God’s desire is that your choice food be available daily on your table (Deut.8:10)·
Ability to build beautiful or goodly houses and to dwell in your houses.(Deut.8:12)·
It is the will of God for you to experience multiplication of herds and flocks. That is you flourish, be fruitful or productive in your career or ministry. What God desires for you is for you to prosper in the work of your hand. To be blessed in your academic, family ,vocation etc.(Deut.8:13a)·
That silver and gold be multiplied unto you. You are to increase in silver and gold which may come as a result of increase in salary, remuneration, enlargement of your business, higher level of skill acquisition and improved Career with improved conditions of service · God desires you to have blessings of every kind multiplied to you.
There are binding rules governing the flow of the Kingdom’s Wealth (prosperity). This law handed down by God will work for any man at any time and anywhere. A law does not change; it is not a respecter of persons. We shall consider some of the laws that govern the flow of Kingdom’s Wealth.
(1)The law of God’s presence. If God is with you, you are bound to prosper and do well in life. Cultivate the presence of God; His presence with you commands His favour in your life and makes man to favour you; God’s favour around you will surely bring wealth. (Gen. 39:2-5, 23).
(2) The law of obedience .The Bible commands us to keep the Word of this covenant, and observe and do them; that you may prosper in all that you do. (Deut.29:9).
(3) The law of meditation. Meditation refers to having a deep thought on the Word of God. Believe in what God says concerning your well-being, let it be mixed with faith in your heart, and be engraved on the tablet of your heart; have the confidence and trust in the Word and let it be the motivating factor for your action;Thinking and dwelling on God’s promises, covenant. Donot live your life waiting or depending on man. Trusting God and His infallible Word, do your best at your job or assignment. God who commands prosperity will hand it over to you. (Ps 1:3, Phil.4:8).
(4) Law of faith. Have faith in God. Faith in Him or His word brings about your establishment and your believe in His prophets brings about your prosperity.(11 Chronicles 20:20)
(5) Your desire to seek God must be very strong. Keep seeking God, depending trust and continuously lean on Him daily. Do not take any decision without due consultation with Him (2Chro 26:3-5)
(6) Seek the good of Israel and God's chosen race. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; love the place of habitation or seat of God’s government here on earth and in heaven (Psalm 122:6-7)
(7) Show continuous and regular hospitality. The generous shall be rewarded. All the patriahs in the Bible are men that are given to hospitality and no wonder God prospered them. Give gifts to God and to men cheerfully, generously and continuously and God will cause men to give to your bosom (Luke 6:38)
(8) Hard work. God is the most prosperous person; His prosperity comes as a result of hard work as shown in the creation. He spent six (6) days out of seven days in the week to work ,that is 85% of His time in the week was spent working. Jesus Christ worked as the Father did. The patriahs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David etc were all hard working people. So God blessed and prospered them exceedingly in silver, gold, manservants, maidservants, in herd and cattle (Gen26:12-14).
God desires that all of us enjoy the kingdom's wealth. However there are some reasons why someone may not prosper.· Rebellion against God (Deut 8:19-20)· He who covers his or her sin shall not prosper (Pro28:13)· Fighting God and attacking God’s people (Isa 54:17)· Robbing God in tithes and offering, that is stealing from God (Mal 3:8-9). God’s plans and desires for you in life is that of good, blessing and prosperity. So God expecs you to obey Him, Love Him and do His perfect will for you in life; and so you have no cause to struggle and be in want for God’s blessings will always follow and overtake you. Whole heartedly acknowledge Christ as Lord and Saviour in your life daily and it shall be well with you all the days of your life.


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