Tuesday, September 26, 2006


For every child of God defeats this
evil world by trusting Christ to give
the victory and the ones who
win this
battle against the world are the ones
who believe that Jesus is the son of
” (vs. 4-5N LT)
It is interesting for you to know
that you are brought into the life
of God in Christ Jesus to be the
best you can ever think of, to be
first among your equals, to gain,
be a success not a loser or a failure
and to have continuous victory. Most
often the people of the world and the
world system often give a contrary
view or opinion of who you are as a
child of God, or make you to have a
wrong identity of your system which
is synonymous with darkness, evil
and its vices.
But as many as have received Him.
He gives the right,authority and
power to become children of God,
to those who believe in His name,
those born not of flesh nor of the
will of man but of God.
Have you received the Lord Jesus Christ
as your personal Lord and Saviour?
Do you believed in that Mighty Name
and the Person of Jesus Christ?
Are you born of God, or have you
received the spiritual birth affirmative?
Let it be known to you therefore, that
you are born to win no matter the situation
and circumstance surrounding your life.
For you ave beeen born of God and He has
poured into your heart the love for God
and love for others. Have faith in God
and genuine faith in God expresses itself
in gratitude to and love for the Father and
Jesus Christ His son.
The faith in Christ, that overcomes the
world is a faith that sees eternal realities,
experiences God’s power and loves Christ to
such an extent that the world’s sinful pleasures,
secular values, ungodly ways and selfish
materialism not only lose their attraction
for you but also you in turn look on them
with strong feeling of disapproval, strong
dislike, grief and godly sorrow.
The Bible says “He who has an ear let him
hear what the
Spirit says, that he who wins
will eat from the tree
of life which is in
the midst of the paradise of God
" (Rev 2:7).
Evil did not just start today; it has been
existing since the fall of man at the Garden
of Eden and will continue to exist till the
second coming of Jesus Christ.
Joseph, David, Samuel, Esther, etc at one
point or the other overcomed the world around
them and in their time. You will surly win
in this generation.

· Determination to please God. David was said
to be a man after God’s heart (1Sam. 13:14).
· The fear of God, love for holiness and
righteousness and a deep seated hatred for
wickedness (Heb.1:9, Gen39:9).
· Absolute trust and dependence
on the Lord (Pro.3:5-6).
· A life of obedience, respect to
parents, guardians,leaders or people
in position of authority (Esther 2:20).
· Hard work, perseverance and devotion
to vocation,career or call in life (Gen 39:3).
· A prayerful life and a life sown in studying
and meditating on the Word of God (1 Josh 1:8).
· God’s divine presence, His grace and favour
make the life of victory and success easy.
· The anointing of God in the inside of you
and upon you (1John 2:20,27 Luke 4:18-19).

Beloved, the father through our Lord Jesus
Christ, has blessed us in the heavenly places
with every spiritual blessing in Christ. So
you can’t afford not to be the best God has
ordained for you.


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