“To whom then will you liken me? Or to whom shall I
be equal? Says the Holy One. Life up your eyes on
high. And see who has created these things. Who brings
out their host by number? He calls them all by name.
By the greatness of His might. And the strength of
His power; Not one is missing" (Is. 40:25-26)
The Lord God Almighty is a matchless God, the God
that has no rival, the God that has no equal, He the
exceedingly great God is in a class of His own, He is
singular and His status is very unique. There is none
like Him in might, power, purity, love, mercy, ability,
strength, glory, riches, wisdom, knowledge,understanding,
in deliverance etc.
He is before the creation, He is now and will be
forever. He has created all things beautifully and all
the affairs of the universe are under His supreme control.
God is incomparably great and has brought you into His
class in His sovereign will through the new birth
experience (John 3:1-7). To the Israel of old He said
“You are gods and all of you are children of the most
high”. (Ps 82:6).
God is not incomparably great for Himself. He is
great for His own. “When I consider your heavens, the
work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which
you have ordained. What is man that you are mindful of
him? And the son of man that you visit him. For you
have made him a little lower than the angels. And you
have crowned him with glory and honour” (Ps 8:3-5).
God is incomparable in riches, not for Himself but
for you. The riches of God are stored up for you. The
earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. God
promises to supply all your needs according to His
riches in glory through Christ Jesus.
The Lord is mighty and strong for your sake. His
power is unsearchable. God’s might works on your
behalf. Whenever He wants to demonstrate His might, He
will always stage a battle between you and your enemy.
God’s might is often made manifest in your favour
against your adversaries. It is my prayer that God in
His power come against your adversary and silence them
God came down on behalf of Israel to bring
deliverance, salvation and lifting Ex. 3:7-9. Today I
see Him coming down on your behalf to save and deliver
you in Jesus' name.
Jehoshaphat overcame his enemy by the incomparable
might of the Lord. Life is a battle field. You need to
call on the incomparable God for help, and He will
grant unto you deliverance that will usher you into
your ultimate freedom as it is written that the prey
of the terrible shall be delivered by God’s
incomparable power.(Isaiah 49: 24- 26).
The incomparable God equally shows His chosen
incomparable mercy. That is you become a candidate of His
blessing inspite of your faults; you receive His
kindness instead of punishment. I pray that in this
season the mercy of the Lord will make you to receive
the miracle you did not deserve in Jesus' name. The
mercy of the Lord is capable of saving you from death.
For example Epaphroditus in Phil.2:25-30. The mercy of
the Lord preserves destiny and the purpose of God in
the life of whoever asks for it. The Bible says it is
not he that wills or runs but it is the Lord that
shows mercy, I pray that God’s mercy will be showered
lavishly on you in this season as you cry for His
The mercy of the Lord is capable of giving you
cheap victories, forgiveness of sins, long life, as in
the case of David. When the Incomparable God shows you
mercy you can never lack provisions, His mercy will
make you exceedingly great and lift you up.
God’s ability has no match, stands out clear by His
ability. He can do and undo at His will and what
seemingly seems impossible for man He makes possible.
God in His infinite ability is able to reverse the
irreversible and lift up without protocol (Lk.1:28-37,
Gen.41:39-46); God in His ability reverses the
conspiracy of the enemy and foes. Haman’s plot against
Israel and Mordecai was thwarted (Isaiah 8:9-10,
Esther9:25). God in His sovereign ability can restore
a nation’s or man’s lost fortune, glory, position,
health, etc within the twinkle of an eye. When the Lord
brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those
who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter,
and our tongue with singing, and then they said among
the nations The Lord has done great things for them.
The Lord has done great things for us, and we are
As this year is fast running to an end, it is our
prayer that the Incomparable God will work in you and
through you His incomparable miracles, signs and
wonders in the name of Jesus.
However, to enjoy the manifold grace and blessings of
the Incomparable God;
(i) Be sure of your daily genuine conversion
experience in the Lord Jesus Christ.
(ii) Live a holy life and fear God.
(iii) Have faith in God’s unfailing love and daily
appropriate the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
(iv) Have faith in the continuous priestly
intercession of Jesus Christ.
(v) Have a daily unique and dynamic encounter with God
in prayer and in the study and meditation in His Word.
I am Blessed by this. Thank You.
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