Thursday, August 02, 2007


"For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit(Romans 14:17)

The kingdom of God is the domain where God rJustifierules and reigns supreme. The domain can be an individual, life, family, home, village, town or nation. God Almighty is the universal King who reigns over the affairs of the nations or peoples. God’s rule became evidenced more on earth with the coming of Christ and an individual is ushered into the kingdom by accepting Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour.

On being ushered into God’s kingdom, there are culture, tradition, way of life, value and norms that are expected of you and me who are heirs of the kingdom.

There are life styles and attitudes that are not permitted and there are those that are permitted. “But now you yourselves are to put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth. And put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him(Colossians 3:8,10) Joy, peace, promotion, lifting, healing, long life, victory, riches, wealth are all that are available in the Kingdom and which we have access to through Christ.


(1) FELLOWSHIP- Divine fellowship with the Father on daily basis. Recognize the Lordship of God and so He must be worshipped. The Bible says “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving. Let us shout joyfully to Him with Psalms. Worship or fellowship with God turns God on and makes God to do the unimaginable for the worshippers. God can be worshipped through studying the Word. The Word is a binding force between you and the Father. The extent of God’s Word in your heart determines your miracle, so be filled with the Word.

(2) LOVE- The nature of God is Love. God expects any child of His kingdom to love Him, love yourself and love your neighbour as yourself. “For this is the message that you heard from the beginning that we should love one another(I John.3:11).

(3) OBEDIENCE- You must put yourself under God’s tutelage and rule. God’s standard is the same all over the ages. Obedience to God’s injunction in the Word and godly leaders. Jesus Christ obeyed totally. God expects total obedience. Disobedience to God is very grievious. “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord. He also has rejected you from being King(I Samuel 15:23) “You must make up your mind to obey God completely. “if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land(Isaiah 1:19)

(4) FAITH- God-like and child-like faith is expected in the kingdom. Faith that takes God at His Word. Faith that looks at storms right in the face like the eagles (Hebrew.11:6).

(5) FORGIVENESS -This is part of the lifestyle of the kingdom. Jesus loved us and washed us from sin. Do not harbour grudges, hatred. Forgive so that your own sins will be forgiven. “But if you do not forgive neither will your Father in Heaven forgive your trespasses(Mark 11:26).

(6) HOLINESS- God is holy; the King of the domain has commanded to be holy. Holiness should cover every area of your life. “But as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written: Be holy for I AM HOLY(I Peter 1:15-16)


(1) SIN- In the kingdom, sin that is wilful, disobedience to the Word of God is an abomination. The Bible says he or she that makes sin a habit is of the devil. Sin has no degree, so avoid or shun it.

(2) SLANDER- It is often prevalent in the world, but speaking evil of somebody else in his absence is tantamount to killing and it is not part of the lifestyle of the heirs of the kingdom.

(3) FOOLISH TALK- The Bible warns against corrupt communication or even keeping of evil company. Shun gossip, foul or filthy language in all its ramifications.

(4) PLAYING CHURCH OR BEING RELIGIOUS- A Christian life must be productive; fruitfulness in soul winning and the bearing of the Christian virtue and conduct. You must be dead to the works of the flesh. Witness to populate the kingdom of God by your lifestyle and deeds. (Matt.5:14-16) Do not be casual with God, have a close walk with Christ and work for Him.

(5) WORLDLINESS- The things of this world are mundane and temporal, The Bible says they will soon pass away, so love not the world nor the things of the world, but love the people for God so loved the world. Through your love you can win them over to the kingdom of God. (I John 2:15-17)

(6) PRIDE- In the kingdom, there is grace to excel above your normal human capacity. Unusual promotion, success, lifting, blessings and breakthroughs of different kinds are evidence of this excellence. So do not arrogate your blessings to your own effort and then begin to puff. God warns Israel: when you have become wealthy and rich do not say in your heart, my power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth. So remember the Lord your God and be clothed with humility before Him and man.

By living the kingdom way here on earth, your life will be filled with the fullness of God’s blessings that will cause the people outside the kingdom to fear, reverence and surrender to the Lord your God. Be a change agent in your world through healthy kingdom lifestyle.



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