Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life, He who believes in me though he may die he shall live, and whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?
The blessed Trinity is a life giver, gives the right of existence, the ability to function and grow. The Holy Spirit in this present age is the experience of God in the life of a man, a stimulant, adding interest or enjoyment on the activity of the Christian.
In Gen.1:3-25, God spoke light and life into existence, lifelessness, emptiness, shapelessness, formlessness –receive light, emptiness was filled, shapelessness was given shape, disorderliness gave rise to orderliness. God spoke the word; the quickening Spirit went into action and brought the Word spoken into physical and tangible substances. You send forth your Spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth. The Lord is bringing creative miracles into your body, soul, spirit and family by the power of His Spirit this day.
God created man from the dust of the earth. God breathed on man and suddenly man became a living soul, God’s breath is coming on you, your body, business and ministry to give you life and make you to become what God originally planned and purposed you to be.
Jesus Christ by His quickening Spirit is coming for you right now to attend to your case. “The devil does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” Jesus said “I have come to give life in more than enough. Martha and Mary invited Jesus Christ to the graveside or tomb of Lazarus by telling Him, come and see. Jesus will come for your case today, He will see your situation and intervene because He loves you; your case will be permanently settled. Why will Jesus Christ through His quickening Spirit intervene in your situation today? In Rom.5:8-10, the Bible makes us to understand that Jesus Christ has demonstrated his love for you, by dieing on the cross of Calvary; so his suffering and death will not go in vain. By his love, you have been justified by His blood; because of his death and his resurrection from the dead, He is alive forever, so shall you enjoy his salvation today in Jesus name. His Holy Spirit and power is ever present with us, in us and upon us. Lazarus’ case was humanly speaking impossible- he was dead, buried, his body was already decomposed and stinking, a big stone was equally rolled at the entrance of his grave thereby putting complete end on the chapter of his life. Humanly speaking, Lazarus’ case was a very serious case and an impossibility but when the Resurrection and the Life intervened, every piece of decomposed flesh gathered together, water and blood were restored into the body, every piece was divinely re-located to their original positions in his body and finally, the Spirit of God entered into him to bring fullness of life. I see God’s Spirit entering into every organ, tissue and cell of your body, bringing life back to you in Jesus name. Whatsoever damage or destruction or delay the enemy might have caused in your life, relax, the quickening Spirit will intervene and your situation will lead to the glory of God, and the son of God will be glorified through it.
If you will believe, you will see the glory of God. Do you believe you can be healed of that cancer, fibroid, HIV, malaria, migraine, liver, eye, ear problem right now? Do you believe your promotion, deliverance, breakthrough can take place now? That long and waited miracle and desire is being established now in the name of Jesus- not by might, not by power but by the Spirit of the Lord.
You are a candidate for God’s blessing through the mighty working power of his Holy Spirit; so surrender your life to Jesus Christ and present your body, soul and Spirit to Him for His Holy Spirit to richly dwell in.
If you have been blessed, introduce the website to at least 10 persons. God will in turn multiply your miracles ten times.
The blessed Trinity is a life giver, gives the right of existence, the ability to function and grow. The Holy Spirit in this present age is the experience of God in the life of a man, a stimulant, adding interest or enjoyment on the activity of the Christian.
In Gen.1:3-25, God spoke light and life into existence, lifelessness, emptiness, shapelessness, formlessness –receive light, emptiness was filled, shapelessness was given shape, disorderliness gave rise to orderliness. God spoke the word; the quickening Spirit went into action and brought the Word spoken into physical and tangible substances. You send forth your Spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth. The Lord is bringing creative miracles into your body, soul, spirit and family by the power of His Spirit this day.
God created man from the dust of the earth. God breathed on man and suddenly man became a living soul, God’s breath is coming on you, your body, business and ministry to give you life and make you to become what God originally planned and purposed you to be.
Jesus Christ by His quickening Spirit is coming for you right now to attend to your case. “The devil does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” Jesus said “I have come to give life in more than enough. Martha and Mary invited Jesus Christ to the graveside or tomb of Lazarus by telling Him, come and see. Jesus will come for your case today, He will see your situation and intervene because He loves you; your case will be permanently settled. Why will Jesus Christ through His quickening Spirit intervene in your situation today? In Rom.5:8-10, the Bible makes us to understand that Jesus Christ has demonstrated his love for you, by dieing on the cross of Calvary; so his suffering and death will not go in vain. By his love, you have been justified by His blood; because of his death and his resurrection from the dead, He is alive forever, so shall you enjoy his salvation today in Jesus name. His Holy Spirit and power is ever present with us, in us and upon us. Lazarus’ case was humanly speaking impossible- he was dead, buried, his body was already decomposed and stinking, a big stone was equally rolled at the entrance of his grave thereby putting complete end on the chapter of his life. Humanly speaking, Lazarus’ case was a very serious case and an impossibility but when the Resurrection and the Life intervened, every piece of decomposed flesh gathered together, water and blood were restored into the body, every piece was divinely re-located to their original positions in his body and finally, the Spirit of God entered into him to bring fullness of life. I see God’s Spirit entering into every organ, tissue and cell of your body, bringing life back to you in Jesus name. Whatsoever damage or destruction or delay the enemy might have caused in your life, relax, the quickening Spirit will intervene and your situation will lead to the glory of God, and the son of God will be glorified through it.
If you will believe, you will see the glory of God. Do you believe you can be healed of that cancer, fibroid, HIV, malaria, migraine, liver, eye, ear problem right now? Do you believe your promotion, deliverance, breakthrough can take place now? That long and waited miracle and desire is being established now in the name of Jesus- not by might, not by power but by the Spirit of the Lord.
You are a candidate for God’s blessing through the mighty working power of his Holy Spirit; so surrender your life to Jesus Christ and present your body, soul and Spirit to Him for His Holy Spirit to richly dwell in.
If you have been blessed, introduce the website to at least 10 persons. God will in turn multiply your miracles ten times.
Pastor Isaac.
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