Wednesday, June 18, 2008


(Part Two)

Text: HABAKKUK 1:5


1) “...seek you first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matt.6:33) Seek God more and the best will come. He’s a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. (Heb.11:6b) He rewards in the superlative degree with the best not the better. Let someone say: with the best, with the best and with the best. His kingdom is full of the best. “And the blessings of the Lord, it makes rich and He adds no sorrow with it” (Prov.10:22). If you have abandoned God, return quickly to Him, return quickly to your first love of holiness, prayer, evangelism and self sacrifice. You can’t go back to the kingdom of darkness; return to God. Return to Him quickly.

2) Keep pressing forward like apostle Paul in Philippians 3:14

3) Get rid of low expectations. Make big plans for your life, don’t make little plans! Plan to :

(i) Pray and fast five days a week not once

(ii) Build a four bedroom house not a studio,

(iii) But a Lexus jeep not a starlet,

(iv) Travel by air (first class) not economy class.

I pray that the grasshopper mentality will not be your portion in Jesus name.

4) Don’t think you have come to an end! Don’t think you’ve reached your limits there’s nothing more you can do; I’ll probably never get a husband/ children/promoted/a contract/ a house or a car of my own. No! No! No! Get rid of that defeated mind-set. Get rid of that unproductive mentality. Where a man ends is always where God begins. Even Jabez who was called Mr Sorrow because his mother “bore him with sorrow” God changed his situation. Jabez asked God for four things:

(a) God should bless him indeed,

(b) God should enlarge his border,

(c) God’s hand might be with him and,

(d) That the Lord God should keep him from evil that it may not grieve him.

(I Chron.4:9-10). God granted his request. God will grant your request.

5) Maximise your gifts/talents. Many people have gifts and talents but they do not use them. They are living far below their potential. List down your gifts and talents and see how you can improve on them. Improve on your self. Accomplish your God given assignment: Moses took the Israelites out of bondage; out of Egypt while Joshua took them to the Promised Land. Deborah “the wife of Lapidoth”, “a mother in Israel” was a counsellor, a distinguished judge and a prophetess in Israel. She dispensed righteousness, justice and mercy. She exercised faith and courage to make a success of her God given assignment. God requires similar quality from us. What is my God given assignment? What is your God given assignment? If you don’t yet know, pray and God will reveal it to you. Once you know it, settle down on it and you need to run in it so that the best will come out. The best is coming from the assignment God has given to you.

Germany is perhaps the only country in the world where there is no speed limits. Here is the testimony of someone who was driving on the superhighway across Germany at the speed of

across Germany at the speed of 110 miles per hour: He felt like the king of the road. That same model of his car drove passed him. It was like he was standing still. It must have been on 170 miles per hour. His car possessed tremendous potentials the manufacturer put in it. It’s the same with us. Our potentials have been put by our manufacturer, our creator, the Almighty God. Whether we use it or not does not diminish it, but it does impact on our future. We like to increase the speed of our cars. I see people driving very fast. We should increase the speed of God’s potentials in us. We often increase the speed of other things e.g. anger which poisons all we think and do. Why should you increase the speed of anger instead of that of peace? There is the speed of “I don’t know” among Christians for example: quote a scripture, I don’t know. Evangelise, I don’t know. Pray for somebody, I don’t know. In the market place, why are you not selling, I don’t know. What are you doing in the church? Get out there and release the potential God has put in you. Upon Mount Zion there shall be deliverance and may it be your portion in Jesus name.

6) Read Books. Read journals, consult the internet, and consult higher people in the area of your calling. Get some models and be modelled. You need a model to model you. In the church who is your model? Elijah was Elisha’s model. Models can come from so far and can be so close. I don’t know yours but you’ve to get a model.

7) You may have tried to succeed in life but failed again and again. Don’t get discouraged! Keep pressing forward. In the story of David and the uncircumcised Philistine of Gath, Goliath, David was not discouraged when he saw the giant Goliath in front of him. He boldly declared “this day will the Lord deliver you into my hand; and I will strike you and take your head from you; and I will give the carcases of the host of the philistines... unto the fowls of the air;...” (I Sam.17:46) his declaration came to pass. Those who know their God shall do exploits. (Dan.11:32b) these exploits will launch them to the next level. When you’re discouraged, you stop exercising your faith; you cannot take actions and you’ll grow flabby. Don’t be discouraged. Let’s look at William E. Hickson’s Poem “Try again” which contains some very good advice for us: if at first you don’t succeed, try again... if you’ll persevere, you’ll conquer, never fear, try again... once or twice though you should fail, try again... A man ofGod, Robert Tilton says, Never give up! Pastor E. A. Adeboye says “Your tomorrow shall be alright” Pastor Jide Akiode says “We shall build a five star Church”. Pastor Mbawi Emmanuel says “poverty is killed” Pastor Bamikole B. Isaac says “The cars we’ll get are those one like this-new models.” What do you say? Begin to say remarkable things.

8) Stay in an attitude of faith and keep expecting marvellous things. Once Pastor E. A. Adeboye had to minister. Just before his ministration, he went out to respond to nature’s call. On his way, he met an usher and out of courtesy, he gave him a handshake. This usher exercised faith, put his hand in his pocket. When he got home, he placed it on his wife’s stomach. Nine months later, the barren lady became a happy mother. Always expect the best. Donot be influenced by what those around you say or do. The woman with the issue of blood for twelve years was rejected. What did she do? She exercised faith; touched Jesus’ garment and was made whole (Mark 5:25-31) Through faith, she received the desire of her heart. Somebody may have rejected you. Know this, God will never abandon nor forsake you. When you pass through the waters, He’ll be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame scorch you. (Isa.43:2) He loves you, accepts you, approves you and has something better in store for you.

9) Don’t give room for distractions and disappointments in life to keep you down. Focus on God and not these things. God opened a door for a sister in Yaounde to go to school in Buea. After her course, she returned home to join her family. Then hardship knocked at her door and she became discouraged and disappointed. Her daughter told her, The God of Pan African Institute is still the same. These encouraging words changed the atmosphere in their home and discouragement immediately disappeared. When discouraged, think of the previous good things God had done and your happy mood will come back.

10) Be creative: why should we be creative? We should be creative because God; our Creator is creative. He has deposited a part of His creative skills in us so that we can create new things. We can create jobs, ideas... for ourselves and for others. I see you leaving your site with creative habits, with creative minds; I see the hunger to create in you.

11) Be positive in life: people may have tried to stop you from doing a particular thing. Blind Bartimaeus cried “Jesus, You son of David, have mercy on me” People told him to hold his peace. The more they told him to keep quite, the more he shouted. Jesus heard his cry and he healed him. He received his sight. (Mark 10:46-54) circumstances may have soured your outlook on life like Hannah Elkanah (I Sam.1). Through patience, perseverance and prayer, she refused to be childless for life. This experience of hers gives every barren lady the assurance that all hope is not lost yet; the best is yet to come. How many Hannah’s are there outside there or in the church and how many best Samuels will come out of them? So many. Hannah’s sit up! Your best is yet to come. And you too, your best is going to come.

It’s the season of the best. It’s the season of the next level. God is bringing out the best in me; God is bringing out the best in you. It’s not going to be by power nor by might but by the Spirit of the LORD.


Mummy T. T. Doreen


J’ai chanté concernant la repentance parce qu’il est difficile des fois d’accepter et reconnaitre que je suis dans le tort. Je rends grâce à Dieu pour ma femme qui est toujours là pour m’aider à reconnaitre ma faute à l’accepter avant de me plaindre.

Ce que j’ai mis ma confiance à Dieu pour qu’il fait dans ma vie durant la venue du Superviseur Général s’est réalisé la veille de son arrivé. J’ai été promu au grade d’un Directeur assistant et de plus, durant la croisade, mon directeur et sa fille ont donné leur vie à Christ.

Que toutes gloire soit rendu à Dieu

Frère Gédeon Kingne

I want to testify of the faithfulness of God as stated in Numbers 23v19

Firstly, I want to thank God for His provision as written in Eccl.4v9 because He provided for me five (5) years ago. He gave me a friend who started as a son in Christ and became a friend in need and in deed.

When I came to Christ, my spiritual father elaborated me on Joel 2v25 and this Scripture has really blessed me.

Being a business man, I bought some SIM cards from MTN which was supposed to have credit of 2,500 FRS each. But when we activated these cards, we realised that there was no credit. We met a lawyer who tabled a complaint to MTN twice but they ignored the complaint.

I want to thank God because of recent, these SIM cards which had no credit all had a credit of 5,000frs giving us double interest.

Also, a lady who owed me some money, which I had termed a bad debt also called for me and refunded what she owed.

I thank God for everything.

Brother Martins

Somebody blessed me with some dollars which I decided to sow it as a seed in our Daddy’s ministry (Pastor E. A. Adeboye) during his visit to Cameroon. In fact, after his coming, I harvested more than three (3) times the seed I sowed and I want to thank God.

Pastor Bamikole B. Isaac

God gave me a word concerning daddy E. A Adeboye’s coming and I think this is for us all.

During the conference, God told me that many people came expecting to see physical miracles but He decided to do it in His way. He said He was going to tell me something within two days.

On Saturday night, I overslept and was terified of the dream I had but thank God because on Sunday, He gave me the revelation. He showed me worshippers carrying the statue of Holy Mary. He destroyed the statue and the worshippers of idols.

Brothers and sisters, I think we all need to pray and witness Christ to his people so that they should not be destroyed.

Glory be to God.

Sister Lilian Akwen

I have always known that I was created for a special purpose.

I thank God for keeping me alive because many of my friends have died knowing that He wants me to work for Him, I asked God if I’ll be alive till this year. I thank God because I have seen this year.

Secondly, many a times when I have dreams, before I notice it, they begin to happen therefore I want to thank God for everything.

Brother Kenneth

I want to thank God for all.

Last service, our pastor advised us to always speak to our situation. After service, I was called and told that our father was sick. I started speaking to the situation, claiming his healing and yesterday, when I called to find out how he was doing, I was told he is doing well and fine.

I want to thank God for His faithfulness and healing.

Sister Rose

I was sick in February 2007, coughing blood. I went to the hospital and took drugs. This disease continued till December and until May where I had chest pains. The doctor said I had no problem after medical examination.

I want to thank God because I trusted him for the pains and the disease to disappear and it is so now

Sister Motutu

My name is favour. I want to thank God for His favour. After I bought my car, I also got a shop where I do my business. The pastor prayed for the place but jealousy came in from my neighbours who asked me to pay some money before I could install my goods in the shop. They also tempered with my lock. The pastor came again and prophesied at the place and one of the neighbours came and asked me to buy their shops and have gone to their villages.

God has been saving my business as I have been doing His work.

Sister Prudence

I want to testify of the goodness of God our shepherd who fights for us even at night. God opened my eyes to see Him. On Tuesday night, I felt an unusual presence in my room. I prayed with the help of the Holy Spirit and I saw a powerful light which came and fought for me. I heard a cry of distress and God intervened for me

I know that I am the apple of God’s eyes.

Mummy Victorine T


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