“Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel arose and went to Ramah”
(I Sam.16:13).
When ever God wants to do something new in the life of a man, He will always send a messenger, a prophet armed with a divine message and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
In this season, God is sending the prophetic word accompanied with the anointing of the Holy Spirit to do something new in your life.
There are several reasons why God will want to anoint you a new and a fresh, because this is your season and time to be announced, a season to be celebrated, uplifted and a season to receive a total turning around in your life, ministry, marriage, career, etc.
To be anointed is to be transformed from a natural man to a supernatural person because the anointing of God brings the Holy Spirit (God) into your life and upon you. The ability of God is transferred unto you to accomplish several divine purposes.
In Isaiah 10:27, the Scriptures say by the anointing all forces controlling or governing your life against God’s will, will be broken and all forces limiting your destiny shall be destroyed. Every heavy load, care, strong feeling of guilt and shame in your life and family is destroyed now by the anointing in Jesus name.
The Holy Spirit has the ability to transform you into another man; from a weak-person to a strong man, a nobody to somebody, a failure to a success, a rejected person to an accepted person, forsaken to become a sought after. Which ever is your case, right now; the anointing of the Lord will make the difference in your life, re-define and favourably reposition your destiny in accordance to God’s original purpose for you. (I Sam.9:16)
The anointing of the Lord coming upon you in this season is preserving you from every form of oppression, affliction, pain and harm from your enemies. In Psalms 105:15 the Bible says “touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm” This season, all your enemies will find your defeat unattainable. You will become too hot for them to handle in Jesus name. The grace to do supernatural-signs, wonders and perform miracles is imparted- ability to heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, set the captive free and be an effective witness for Jesus is given. (Acts1:8; 5:12). When Paul as well as the apostles was anointed by God, special miracles were performed by them. This day, the Spirit of God will come upon you for signs and wonders in Jesus name.
(Acts 19:11)
When a person is anointed, there is a provocation of Joy and gladness that bring divine strength for exaltation and promotion. (Heb.1:9; Ps.89:20-23)
In Psalms 92:12-15, the fresh oil of the Holy Spirit provokes a continuous freshening, flourishing and fruitfulness even in old age. When you are anointed, there is no retirement age for you; in fact, you become more resourceful and productive as your age increases.
The anointing of the Holy Spirit enhances your prayer life, your fellowship, communion with the triune God head. You are empowered to offer acceptable services to the Lord and prevail in the place of prayer. (John.4:23-24; Romans 8:26-27). When you are anointed, the creative power of God comes into manifestation in your life, the natural law or trends of events is defiled, impossibility syndrome as far creation and redemption in accordance to God’s will is concerned, is nullified. For with God, all things are possible. For you as you believe in the Word of God in God’s perfect will, all things become possible which naturally are impossible. (Luke 1:34-37; Mark 10:27).
The anointing of God brings you into being full of good works. How God anointed Jesus Christ of Nazareth, with the Holy Ghost and power and he was going about doing good, delivering those oppressed by the devil for God was with Him. (Acts 10:38)
The anointing and the power of God in you and upon your life bring you to the class of gods (Gen.2:7; Ps.82:6). You are gods and all of you are children of the Most High.
How do you get anointed with the Holy Spirit and power?
You are to believe that this promise of the anointing is for you, hunger an thirst after the anointing because those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled; wait upon the Lord in fasting and prayer, live a life of obedience to God’s word. Holiness and purity is essential because He is pure. Be ready and willing to offer effective service unto the Lord, the anointing is not for show but for service to enhance God’s kingdom. Above all, if you are not born again, the first step to take is to repent of your sin, turn to Jesus for salvation, receive his provision for sin, and accept him as your personal Lord and Saviour.
In this season, I see God ushering you to a new level of anointing, you will operate or function in the power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit like never before and you will bring forth exceedingly great fruit of the spirit and soul winning.
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I want to thank God for the leadership of this church and also for Mummy Doreen.
I had to travel to
However, I decided to worship with mummy Doreen before travelling and she told me there is going to be an all night meeting, I had to spend Friday in Yaounde.
I followed her to church and fervently prayed all the night. In the morning, I slept and dreamt about an uncle who had once been accused of being responsible for a series of dead in the family which he accepted he was guilty of. While in
I thank God for everything and encourage each and every one of us to have a personal relationship with God and to die to ourselves to read and digest the word of God because He is a faithful God.
Sister Bella Joy
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