Wednesday, November 15, 2006


In Galatians 6:17, Brother Paul says “Henceforth let nobody trouble me for I bear the marks of the Lord in my body”.

What is a mark? It is a visible impression on a surface. It also means a sign of identification.

It is worth noting that the mark you bear on you determines what comes to you.

In the name of Jesus in this season you shall be marked with favour, goodness, mercy and all round blessing. The remaining days of this year will be marked for you with peace.

In Exodus 12:12-13 the Lord says He will pass over the Israelites and He will not destroy them because of the sign (or mark) of the Blood of Jesus they have on their door frames. Beloved, mark your life and family with the Blood of Jesus so that you will be protected and preserved. Evil will pass over you in Jesus’ name.

In Job 1:10, God put a hedge around Job. That will be your portion in Jesus’ name. He shall build a wall of fire round about you.

The favour of the Lord upon your life will enhance your enjoying life to the fullest.

Angels, goodness and mercy will be your guard during the in the days of this year. Every evil hand writing on you shall be wiped off by the mark of the Blood of Jesus. Beloved, choose to believe God’s word and it shall be well with you.

The flag and banner of God will remain with you throughout the remaining days of the year.

Pray this prayer alongside with me: “I immerse myself in the pool of the Blood of Jesus for my preservation.

Have a glorious time.

God bless you.


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