Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I would like to thank God for Open doors and blessings after redeeming my pledge for the Church Building. When the Pastor said we should pledge, I had nothing but I obeyed and pledged and with the next available money, I honoured my pledge. Since then, God has been Blessing me in an unusual manner. I give God the glory. (Bro Emmanuel).

There is a friend I‘ve been trying to lead to Christ to no avail. Today God made a way such that her sister was involved in a motor accident so this friend called me to pray that she will Not die and I did and God revived her. She did not die and my friend surrendered her life to Christ and told me she will serve the Lord for the rest of her life. Praise God. (Sis Cecilia).

I was in Child labour for almost a day. In fact a month to the time the doctor told me it will be by CS operation. I told my Pastor and he rejected it. On the day the doctor said operation again, my husband called and told the Pastor and he prayed and called and said hold on this God that parted the Red Sea who Will open your Cervix, I believed it and to the glory of God I delivered safely without CS. Praise the lord.(Sis Betty).

Friday, October 26, 2007



“Now Jabez was more honourable than his brothers and his mother called his name Jabez saying because I bore him in pain. And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain. So God granted him what he requestedI Chron.4:9-10

At any time God meets with an individual or bump into the camp of his children, something awesome and fantastic must surely happen. An encounter with Jehovah Yahweh the “I AM WHO AM” “The Lord God” brings blessings that cannot be hidden, brings a change in direction and destiny, changes your state, causes yokes and curses to be broken, makes a fugitive to become a national leader in a matter of days or weeks.

Jabez was a man who had a good dose of sorrow, depression, hardship, rejection, pain, disappointment, disgrace and marginalization in life. His life was miserable, unpleasant; he started life on a very bad note but ended very well because he had an encounter with Emmanuel. Jabez had a change; you too will have a positive change in life as you read this message in Jesus name.

Jabez prayed and had an encounter that changed his life; you too can pray and encounter God in a way to become more honourable than all the honourable in your nation.

The Lord will rewrite your history, you started down, you will end on top, you began in lack, you will end in abundance in Jesus name.

Jabez prayed and had a breakthrough- Oh that you will bless me indeed.

When God blesses you, all your needs will be met. You will become rich and wealthy, secured and protected from danger and harm because the blessing of the Lord makes rich and add no sorrow to it. (Prov.10:22)

Jabez asked God; enlarge my territory- an encounter with God must surely bring about expansion, multiplication, increase and enlargement to your business, ministry, aspirations, goals, vision and breakthrough in your life.

The third prayer request of Jabez that provoked an encounter is that-

Your hand be with me. God’s hand brings about the release of divine strength to cope with the blessing and the expansion. From today, you will begin to get things done at the speedometer of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. God’s hand was with Elijah and he was able to outrun the chariot of Ahab to the gate of Jezrel, you will catch up and overtake all your competitors and outwit your enemies by God’s strength and wisdom from today.

(II Kings 18:45-46)

Jabez cried to the Lord - keep me from evil. This divine encounter guaranteed Jabez’s protection and security. (Psalms 91:1-16) He shall hide you in His pavilion, in the secret place of His tabernacle, set you high upon a rock. (Psalms 27:4-5).

Exodus 3:1-10- Moses a hopeless fugitive at the backside of the desert encountered God and in a matter of days became a national leader, the hero, king of people and the deliverer in him showed-up. Your visions and potentials that has been forgotten and become dormant receive divine visitation and come to life in Jesus name.

Jacob encountered God, his name was changed from a surplanter “a cheat and deceiver” to Israel “God’s soldier”. His sun which was set after this encounter rose again, household enemies became allied, curse was changed to blessing. His glory came back and was restored to his original blessing. (Gen.32:24-31) You will begin to rise and shine from today because your sun that has been set will rise again.

Isaiah encountered God and his life and ministry changed. He saw the invisible, heard the inaudible and God began to perform the incredible through him. He became a volunteer for God, answered swiftly to God’s need, became a solution to national as well as international physical and spiritual problems as a result of one time encounter with God. (Isa.6:1-8) I pray that you experience a complete change in direction and destiny today that will put you on the going higher and forward for the Lord.

Zachariah and Elizabeth were barren for so many years; their encounter with the angel of the Lord put an end to their so many years of shame, sorrow and reproach. I see God meeting you at the point of your need and putting an end to age long anguish and reproach in Jesus name (Luke 1:1-14).

Peter was miserable because he failed in his fishing business but an encounter with Jesus gave him direction as to where to throw his nets. On throwing the net, he drew multitude of fish that made his net to start breaking.

Do you want to experience a divine encounter? Then you need to work hard, prayer, fasting and studying the word and applying it rightly is hard work. God is a rewarder of the diligent not the lazy (Heb.11:6)

1) Therefore you really need to pray hard and very earnestly.

2) Praise God with all your energy.

3) Continue to give sacrificially and generously (I King 3:3-5).

4) Combine your faith with hard work in your chosen field, career or ministry.

You want the almighty to visit you and bring a permanent change to your life, then surrender your life to Jesus Christ and live consistently a life of obedience and holiness unto the Lord your God.


Pastor Bamikole B Isaac

NB: Encourage at least Seven (7) people to visit this website and you shall be blessed as you do so.



And Samuel said to Jesse “Are all the young men here?” Then he said “there remains yet the youngest, and there he is keeping the sheep” and Samuel said to Jesse “send and bring him. For we will not sit down till he comes here.” So he sent and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, with bright eyes and good-looking. And the Lord said “Arise anoint him; for this is the one!” Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel arose and went to Ramah. (I Sam.16:11-13)

All authority and power in earth and heaven belongs to God, He is the One that has the final decision over your life, the earth and the people therein. He is the unmoveable mover and the unchangeable changer. Whatever He decides on, nobody can stop or hinder it. When He positions a man for greatness, blessing, breakthrough, miracle or success, it must surely come to pass.

In divine positioning, God can make the least to become first and the first last as in the case of David and his brothers, Joseph and his brothers, Jacob and Esau. Your background, your position in the family, the reproach, set back you have experienced in life cannot stop God from re-positioning you to fulfil divine purpose and destiny. As you read this message, God will fast forward your position in your family, place of work, in your community and among you peer in Jesus name.

Where you are today does not matter, He will visit you or send His messengers of good to you for your elevation.

David was at the back side of the desert taking care of his father’s flock, Samuel was moved by God to go in search of David in his father’s house, his encounter with the Holy Spirit through prophet Samuel moved him from the rear to the front, from the valley to the mountain top and from obscurity to prominence. I see the Lord by His Spirit moving you from one level of glory to the other in Jesus name, fast forwarding your position against the will of your competitors or contenders in Jesus name.

The fresh oil or oil of gladness or joy of the Lord will position you above your fellow in this season.

“You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness. Therefore God, your God has anointed you. With the oil of gladness more than your companions” (Heb.1:9) Life could have been bad for you before now or things could have been getting on with you, from today, your situation and life will change for the better.

David was a non-entity in his family before he was anointed by Samuel, that anointing positioned him as a force to be reckon with in his family and especially in the midst of his brothers. The ultimate reason for this anointing was to position him as king over Israel but for thirteen years; the throne of Israel was like a mirage to him. Every attempt made by his brothers, King Saul and his army and the enemies from afar to hinder him from ascending to that number one position failed; I pray once more for you that every plot of household wickedness, the stronghold in your community and the enemies from far over your position of ruler ship and dominion shall fail completely in the name of Jesus. You will reach your career and pinnacle of success and breakthrough in this season, the everlasting hand of the Lord will move you and move people in your favour to crown you king today.

In Samuel 2:4-5, the children of Judah rally round to position David as king over Judah despite all odds. Later in II Samuel 5:1, 12, all Israel came and anointed David as king over Israel, after God has broken the backbone of the strong man contending with David, there was a scramble by the household of Saul and the supporter of King Saul to crown David as king over Israel. Beloved, this day, the almighty God will break the backbone of your arch-enemy and all their former collaborators’ will to support. Rejoice and celebrate as you are divinely positioned. They will work for your accelerated promotion and permanently submit to your authority.

Joseph in Egypt was divinely positioned by God to save many people. His brothers’ evil plot could not stop him from attaining the height of glory destined for him, so what the enemies have done to keep you away will be reversed this day to launch you to fame, prominence and glory because all things work together for good for those that are called according to his purpose.

Joseph said to them. “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day to save many people alive” (Gen.50:19-20)

Jesus Christ in his earthly ministry went about healing the sick, delivering the oppressed for God was with Him. He made move to men and women that are positioned for miracles. Peter a failure in fishing business; the day when Jesus located him, his business and purpose for living took a new turn. God in his mercy will locate you today and perform notable miracles in your life.

The sick man at the pool of Bethsaida was divinely positioned for healing the day Jesus healed him. I pray that when Jesus is passing your street, place of work and looking for who to touch and bless, you will not be found wanted.

For several years, the crippled man at the beautiful gate was positioned for miracle, one day, He was visited. Today, you will be visited in that awful and lowly position and your troubles of many years will be turn around to put songs of praise in your mouth for your God.

The Lord knows your situation where you are right now, He will move on your behalf, or send somebody across your way that will cause the story of your life to be re-written in accordance to his divine purpose.

Surrender your life totally to Jesus, put your trust and confidence in Him and let not your past failure and experience continue to hunt you. Your defining moment is here for your divine positioning.


Pastor Bamikole B Isaac.

NB: if you have been blessed by the message, can you please refer Seven (7) people to the website and the almighty God will perfect your miracle.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Now Jabez was more honourable than his brothers and his mother called his name Jabez saying because I bore him in pain. And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain. So God granted him what he requested I Chron.4:9-10
At any time God meets with an individual or bump into the camp of his children, something awesome and fantastic must surely happen. An encounter with Jehovah Yahweh the “I AM WHO I AM”. “The Lord God” brings blessings that cannot be hidden, brings a change in direction and destiny, changes your state, causes yokes and curses to be broken, makes a fugitive to become a national leader in a matter of days or weeks only.
Jabez was a man who had a good dose of sorrow, depression, hardship, rejection, pain, disappointment, disgrace and marginalization in life. His life was miserable, unpleasant; he started life on a very bad note but ended very well because he had an encounter with Emmanuel. Jabez had a change; you too will have a positive change in life as you read this message in Jesus’ name.
Jabez prayed and had an encounter that changed his life; you too can pray and encounter God in a way to become more honourable than all the honourable in your nation.
The Lord will rewrite your history, you started down, you will end on top, you began in lack, you will end in abundance in Jesus’ name.
Jabez prayed and had a breakthrough- Oh that you will bless me indeed.
When God blesses you, all your needs will be met. You will become rich and wealthy, secured and protected from danger and harm because the blessing of the Lord makes rich and add no sorrow to it. (Prov.10:22)
Jabez asked God; enlarge my territory- an encounter with God must surely bring about expansion, multiplication, increase and enlargement to your business, ministry, aspirations, goals, vision and breakthrough in your life.
The third prayer request of Jabez that provoked an encounter is that-
Your hand be with me. God’s hand brings about the release of divine strength to cope with the blessing and the expansion. From today, you will begin to get things done at the speedometer of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name. God’s hand was with Elijah and he was able to outrun the chariot of Ahab to the gate of Jezrel. You will catch up and overtake all your competitors and outwit your enemies by God’s strength and wisdom from today. (II Kings 18:45-46)
Jabez cried to the Lord - keep me from evil. This divine encounter guaranteed Jabez’s protection and security. (Psalms 91:1-16) He shall hide you in His pavilion, in the secret place of His tabernacle, set you high upon a rock. (Psalms 27:4-5).
Exodus 3:1-10- Moses, a hopeless fugitive at the backside of the desert encountered God and in a matter of days became a national leader, the hero, king of the people and the deliverer in him showed-up. Your visions and potentials that have been forgotten and become dormant receive divine visitation and come to life in Jesus’ name.
Jacob encountered God, his name was changed from a supplanted “a cheat and deceiver” to Israel “God’s soldier”. His sun which was set after this encounter rose again, household enemies became allied, curse was changed to blessing. His glory came back and was restored to his original blessing. (Gen.32:24-31) You will begin to rise and shine from today because your sun that has been set will rise again.
Isaiah encountered God and his life and ministry changed. He saw the invisible, heard the inaudible and God began to perform the incredible through him. He became a volunteer for God, answered swiftly to God’s need, became a solution to national as well as international physical and spiritual problems as a result of one time encounter with God. (Isa.6:1-8) I pray that you experience a complete change in direction and destiny today that will put you on the going higher and forward for the Lord.
Zachariah and Elizabeth were barren for so many years; their encounter with the angel of the Lord put an end to their so many years of shame, sorrow and reproach. I see God meeting you at the point of your need and putting an end to age long anguish and reproach in Jesus’ name (Luke 1:1-14).
Peter was miserable because he failed in his fishing business but an encounter with Jesus gave him direction as to where to throw his nets. On throwing the net, he drew multitude of fish that made his net to start breaking.
Do you want to experience a divine encounter? Then you need to work hard. Prayer, fasting and studying the word and applying it rightly is hard work. God is a rewarder of the diligent not the lazy (Heb.11:6)
1) Therefore you really need to pray hard and very earnestly.
2) Praise God with all your energy.
3) Continue to give sacrificially and generously (I King 3:3-5).
4) Combine your faith with hard work in your chosen field, career or ministry.

If you want the Almighty to visit you and bring a permanent change to your life, then surrender your life to Jesus Christ and live consistently a life of obedience and holiness unto the Lord your God.

Pastor Bamikole B Isaac

NB: Encourage at least Seven (7) people to visit this website and you shall be blessed as you do so.