Thursday, March 16, 2006


« And Moses said to the people “Do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace” (Exo 14: 13- 14)
The children of Israel was in bondage for 430years and the almighty God by His great and outstretched arm brought deliverance to Israel and moved them out of Egypt, so that God might fulfil his covenants with Abraham concerning his descendants. It is with great interest to know that God desire we live in perfect liberty, the Bible says who so ever the son of man shall set free is free indeed.
Pharaoh like the devil will always contend with the liberty and blessing of God in our lives.
As soon as the children of Israel matched out of Egypt, the bible made us to understand that Pharaoh and the best of his soldiers pursued the children of Israel either to capture them and bring them back into captivity or destroy them Israel seeing the host of army of Egypt was terrified and cried to the Lord in fear not in confidence, murmured and complain against their leader and desire they go back to Egypt the land of bondage.
Beloved you have been saved, washed cleansed by blood of Jesus, and translated into the kingdom of God, the kingdom of peace power, prosperity and life in full, you have been saved from the power of sin and the consequences of sin, but you should not be ignorant of the devices of the devil that he is not happy at your freedom and he is doing everything possible to afflict you so that you can miss the very best God has in stock for you. As you go on this journey to heaven, “the promised land”, the devil and his agents will pursue you to conquer back to their camp through various vices like sin, sickness, poverty, oppression, lack, failure etc…
But when he (devil) come against you, remember to look up, looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith look unto the holy hill where help will definitely come in time of need
Look up in time of trouble, distress, when the enemy come against you like a flood, His Holy Spirit will raise a standard against the enemy when you rightly see God. God in His mercy will bring you out of your problems or tight corner when you know who you are in Him, know where you are standard and show the right attitude or disposition, God mighty deliverance will come to bring you out of the mess or misery the devil want to put you or has already put you.
You must stand firm in the Lord in order to get to your promised land, appropriate God’s blessing for you and your family. The very best blessing or ultimate breakthrough has been earmark for you in order to get there and possess your possession and inheritance, you must do the following:
1) Rely and depend absolutely on God’s saving grace Acts 15v11, Heb 16
2) Hold unto the promises of God without looking back or doubt; the Israel of old could not take hold of God’s inheritance for them because of rebellion and sin of unbelief. Heb 3v16-19, Lk 9v62
3) Trust and have confidence in God, the Bible says we should lean not on our understanding, but to trust Him with all our heart. (Pro 3v5-7
4) Be determined to do God’s will and follow God’s way at all cost; let His will prevail in your life (Isa 55v8, Lk 22v42)
5) Be focussed, focus on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, focus on where you are going, be possess with His promises and vision for your life, refuse to be distracted (Heb 12v2)
6) Love God, abide in Him. Let nothing separate you from His love. Rom8 v35
7) Have strong faith in God, that faithful is He who has called you and He will do it. (1 thess 5v24, Mk 11v21)

A: Your enemy will recognise your God and reference Him. Dan 3v29, Dan 6v26-27
B: Your enemy will be destroyed in your place. Isa 43v2-4
C: You will be promoted. Dan 3v30
D: You will prosper. Dan 6v27
E: God will defend and honour you
Beloved, no matter the challenge you are presently facing, stand firm in the Lord, for it will come to pass, fear not for the problems or Egyptian you are seeing today, you will see them no more. Walk along with God.

“At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to Him, “Leave this place and go somewhere else, Herod wants to kill you”. He replied, “Go tell that fox I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal. In my case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day- for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem”. Luke 13v31-33
God created man with an awesome power and ability to live and fulfil the God ordained purpose in life. The spirit of God was put in Adam (Gen. 2v7) and hence was endowed and endued with God divine ability, hence he was told, dominate, subdue, and rule over, lord over Satan and the fallen angels.
Man was created without limit at the beginning because of His Spirit in man. Man lost this dominion through Adam, but the second Adam Jesus Christ came to restore that which was lost; as many as receive Him and believe in Him to them gave He the right and power to become children of God. In order words to them has been given divine endowment. Divine endowment and grace is not limited Discover and understand who you are, what you have been given and your mission in life, then the instinct not to be limited by situation, circumstance or man will begin to work in the inside and around you to press forward to be able to reach your goal in life.
To operate without limit, you must have divine knowledge, knowledge born out of revelation from God; what you know about God determines how you relate with Him and what you ask of Him to do in your life or situation facing you.
To operate without limit, you need to know who you are in God, Jesus was told that Herod wanted to kill Him and that He should abandon His duty post, His work, to flee from the town. Because Jesus Christ knew who He was, He replied, I will drive out demons and heal today and tomorrow. He told the devil and its agents to the face, you cannot stop me from accomplishing the God ordained Will and purpose for me in this land, He told the devil I cannot die before my time, nobody can kill me, my death is not known but at God ‘s ordained time and place. I therefore prophesy to your life, you will not die before your time, you will not be limited, you will not be stopped by the enemy at doing God’s Will and it shall be well with you.
Your knowledge of who you are makes you to refuse the devil’s attack on your destiny. Joseph knew who he was in God, refuse to allow potiphar’s wife to limit him through immoral or illegal sexual practice.
You are seated with Christ in heavenly place, your knowledge of your person in God you energise your activities in every domain of life.
In order not to be limited in life, be mindful of the association and relationship you keep, keeping bad company can limit you. The company you keep can make you or mar you. Your friends can influence you tremendously how far you will go in life or whether you will reach your goal or not. You are an eagle; do not keep company with the chicken.
You need to understand the law of the Spirit (Rom 8v2, 9v11) that is the law of sin and death, the law of the spirit of life in Christ is centred on faith in God, His Word and Christ.
The Just shall live by faith, do not draw back because of challenges or intimidation or harassment from the pit of hell and their workers. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Recognise that you are in constant warfare here on earth, therefore put on the full armour of God. (Eph 6v10-18) so that you can stand. Jesus Christ the saints of old did not compromise on putting on the armour and so were perfected.
Operate in love, your exercise of faith in God must be love based or motivated. You need to live in love and righteousness to make the law of the spirit of life to function well in you.
Your life in Christ has a predestined plan that would be manifested, and no harm will come to you, your purpose and or His purpose will be accomplished, His plan will be carried out without further delay, do not limit yourself, pursue God’s vision and goal for your life resolutely and passionately and you will be able to reach your God given goal in life, you will be perfected and fulfil God’s purpose.

Pray Job 5v 12-16 and Isa 54v 2-3
Pst Bamikole B. Isaac
(237) 7677170


“Now therefore, fear the Lord serve Him in sincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River and in Egypt, serve the Lord!
And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourself this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your father served that were on the other side of the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:14-15)
In continuation of what God told us at the beginning of this year is that we should be ready to give the best of service in order for Him to equally reward us with the very best of blessings. Permit me to say that the people of the world have no place for God any longer in their affairs and even so many children of God have fallen into this group, other serve God because of what they can get from Him, but we want to let you know that God is looking for people who will serve with any string attached and unconditionally, people who will serve Him for who He is.
The society all over is turning to a godless one like in the later days of Joshua on earth where there is confusion in the religious life of nation, confusion in the moral life of people and confusion in the political and economic life of the society because Jesus Christ has not been acknowledge as King of kings and served.
Beloved in the midst of these confusion God is saying, you should purpose to serve Him, not self not money nor idol, or other gods but Him alone, to serve God in our generation has to do with a sense of commitment because of so many other things that can easily distract in the society.
The word serve and worship is often used interchangeably in the Bible. To serve the Lord is to render obedience and worship to God, and to worship God is to show great reverence, honour and respect to God. Remember that Jesus came to serve not His own purpose but God’s; you are equally saved to serve.
In Bible record, people that reach their goal and achieved their God ordained purpose in life are addicted servant and worshipper of the almighty God.
One of the strong instruction that God gave to the children of Israel as He was about establishing them in the promised Land “Canaan” was the need to serve Him with the whole of their heart, soul and strength and not to turn away from Him after they would been established in the land.
Your establishment in your very best of blessing is starting of if you are a committed and loyal child of God, your breakthrough are coming, but remember when comfort, blessings promotion comes, serve Him the more.
This year, you must make up your mind like Joshua and his household to obey God’s word and more than ever before show Him great reverence, honour and respect. What you cannot do to your earthly man leader or boss do not do it to God, the offerings or gifts you cannot offer your governors or political and spiritual leader do not offer it to the Almighty. Do not give God blind offering and sacrifice.
God is looking for worshippers who will worship Him in spirit and in truth, God is in need of servants that He will be Lord over them and rule them as the Chief executive officer not people who will turn God to glorify servants.
Jesus commanded to you and me today is to worship the Lord your God and Him only you shall server (Matthew 4:10).
One of the surest key to your ultimate breakthrough and receiving the very best ordained for you by God is to serve and worship God. Jesus was a bond servant and worshipper and because of this God exalted His name above all other names (Philippians 2:7-9).
The madman of Gaderene in his madness worshiped and served Jesus and he was ushered into his God ordained purpose and plain (Mark 5:7, 20).
A woman of Canaan worshipped Jesus and her daughter was made whole (Matthew 25:22-28).
The Bible command us that we should come before Him “Oh come, let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the Lord our maker, for He is our God, And we are the people of His Pasture, and the sheep of His hand” (Psalm 95:6-7).
For your service to be acceptable, the bible command us to be holy as He our God ids holy, God will accept the service and worship that come to him from a holy and righteous vessel (1 Peter 1:16).
Serve the Lord with gladness and joy, as you make holy living a lifestyle the almighty God will be Himself anoint you with the oil of joy and gladness so that your service will be acceptable unto Him as a sweet smelling aroma.
God says I have not called the house of Jacob to serve or seek me in vain, God is the greatest rewarder of those who serve Him for example Enoch, Noah, Abraham, David, Job, Jesus, Peter, etc. All these people who served Him were adequately rewarded.
You will prosper all the days of your life and live your years in pleasures. “If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasures” (Job 36:11).
You will be bless all round and live long
“So you shall serve the Lord your God (in the church and outside the church) and he will bless your bread water………….No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfil the number of your days” (Exodus 23:25-26).
The Lord will continuously visit you, redeemed you, delivered you out of the hands of your enemies, those who hate you, from fear and cause you to walk in holiness and righteous before Him all the days of your life.
No matter the challenges or situation this year purpose in your heart to serve the Lord and you shall experience His awesomeness and blessing in every area of your life.

There is a miracle meant for you every day of this year, you will not miss it in Jesus name.

Pastor Bamikole Isaac.



1. Lord purge and refine me with your Holy Ghost fire.
2. I ask Lord that you fill me to overflowing with the fullness of the
Holy Spirit and power.
3. Let me live a life that is well pleasing and acceptable unto you.
4. Lord glorify me (my temple) because it is the house of your glory.
5. Through me Lord perform mighty signs, wonders special or notable miracles and deliverance in Jesus name.
6. Lord make me a faithful, loyal and committed witness for you in my family, town, nation and to the end of the earth.
7. I pray for your blessing and grace to rest upon me, my wife,
children and the work of my hands.
8. Let your Spirit of grace and supplication be upon me, to pray the prayer of faith and the righteous that avail much.
9. The grace to prevail in the place of prayers I received in the name
of Jesus.
10. I ask for the giving grace of God, ability to give my life time and
resources etc to God generously, cheerfully and continuously.
11. I ask for the grace to offer myself and resources to God’s kingdom
and to better the life of people around me
12. Take away from me the Spirit of fear and timidity and give unto
me the Spirit of boldness, power, love and sound mind and love.
13. I receive the grace to speak the word of God with all boldness in Jesus
14. Lord give me the power to bear witness to the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus.
15. Let your great grace make me unlimitedly great and comfort me
on every side.
16. I ask for the grace to do all that you command and give me
strength to receive and to established in my very best.
17 I ask for a set and a loyal heart to serve and worship God in Spirit
and in truth.
18. Father give me the enabling grace to love you with all my heart, my
soul and with all my strength.
19. Father do not allow me to turn away from you, to worship idols or
other gods.
20. Put your fear in my heart, give me wisdom and counsel to excel in
21. I cut off all the enemies that want to hinder me from receiving my
ultimate breakthroughs in Jesus name.
22. Lord show me your ways and use me to demonstrate your mighty
23. Lord open my ears to hear instruction from you and open my eyes
to see that which you have prepared for me.
24. Give me your rain, both the former and later rain in its season.
25. I ask for the new wine and fresh oil from the throne of grace in
Jesus name.
26. Through out this year, daddy I ask for the continuous supply of
your royal provision in Jesus name.
27. Give me the grace to praise and worship you ceaselessly.
28. Bless me with all round blessings and make me a blessing to this
generation and to the generation yet to come.
29. Daddy according to your word care for me from the beginning of
this year to the end in Jesus name.
30. Lord God almighty arise for my help in every way.
29. I decree that all those who incensed against me shall be ashamed
and disgraced, they shall be as nothing.
30. Those who strive with me shall perish, I will seek them and not
find them, those who contend with me, who war against me shall
be as nothing and as a non existent thing.
31. Lord I consecrate and dedicate my life to you anew and afresh,
have your way in my life, family, ministry, career etc.
32. Let your kingdom come upon me and let your perfect will be done
in every area of my life on a daily basis.
33. Like never before, Holy Spirit of God help me to pray intense and
prevailing prayers this year and throughout my life span.
34. Give unto me O’ Lord the giving grace to give generously,
cheerfully, bountifully, and continuously.
35. I present my body unto you as a living sacrifice, and bestow unto
me that strength to live for You and for others.
36. Take away from me the spirit of greed, selfishness and pride and
let the fruit of the spirit be evident in my life daily.
37. As my ultimate breakthroughs begin to come, help me to become
more addicted and committed to the kingdom of God’s work and
38. Deliver me O’ Lord from wasteful spending and let me not live a
riotous life.
39. I decree that every evil organisation that is antagonistic to God,
His kingdom and His people receive a major and significant set-
back in Jesus’ name.
40. Daddy, in your infinite mercy and love, stop the work and
activities of Satan and his agents that will cause natural disasters
and destruction to life and property.
41. Keep evil far away from your people by day and by night.
42. Keep your people O’ Lord under the shadow of your mighty wings, satisfy us with long life, prosperity and let it be well with us in Jesus’ name.
Before going into petition to your loving Father and Daddy, we strongly encourage you to spend quality time to worship, praise and thank the almighty for who He is; praise Him for His mighty works on earth and in heaven, in your life, family, career and ministry.
Thank Him from the depth of your heart for what He has done for you and others, for what He is doing right now, and for the glorious and wonderful things He will yet do.
His thought towards you is good and not evil to give you a brighter future and hope. Hope in Him never disappoints.



« And when he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who should sing to the Lord, »and who should praise the beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying praise the Lord for His mercy endures forever Now when they began to sing and to praise, « the lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir who had come against Judah, and they were defeated (2 Chro 20:21-22).

Praise or worship God for who He is and we thank Him for what he does. Praise and thank most of the time goes together. We are created to praise God, the Bible declares that it is good to sing praise to our God for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful. Praise is as important spiritual fours as prayer, without it life becomes jaded and impoverished. The scripture declares Oh that men would praise the lord, for His goodness and for His wonderful works, for He has broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron asunder.

Your victory is a settled matter of you will make up your mind to praise God and extol His holy name at all times.

Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. As a Christian, know how to fill your life with praise and thanks to God in every situation no matter how dark and difficult; be conscious of God’s mercy streaming in from heaven. To face life’s challenges with buoyancy and confidence, give Him praise continually.

Angels in heaven day and night praise the Lord yet God delight in the praise of Israel (His covenant children) and it is in their praise that He is enthroned.

Praise play a prominent role or part in turning defeat into victory, in such a way that it is impossible to define properly, praise releases God’s power into difficult situations and set the stage for great spiritual victories.

In our text, the Bible told us that vast army came against Johosaphat, in Jerusalem and Judah Johosaphat and the people sought God’s face in prayer and fasting, yet God instructed them to go and declare His praise concerning the battle that has been waged against them, the result was a great victory that is still been use as a reference point today.

Your case could be like that of Johosaphat, has a vast army or enemies invaded your life, family marriage, ministry, business or career, town or nation, rise up today to give the almighty God quality praise, victory will surely come your way. The secret Judah’s victory is the fact that they recognised that the battle is not theirs but God’s (2Chro20:15). Many of us are constantly defeated by our circumstances because we are not ready to accept that the battle is God’s not ours despite our own powerlessness to cope. You may not understand how praise brings victory; you don’t have to understand you are called to stand in praise.

In some of life situations God tells us to trust Him, praise Him and watch Him work. God require from us the step of faith to do what He asks us whether we understand it or not. In Joshua 6:1-20, the children of Israel were face with the wall of Jericho which was an other major obstacle to entering the promise land, God gave them simple instruction (verse 5) as a result, the wall crash down before them. Walls of great difficulties that threaten and overwhelm falls as we praise God. God is the God of miracles and wonders as you praise Him your walls of Jericho will come crashing down. Hallelujah.

David in 2 Sam 22:1-20 said I will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praise and I will be saved from my enemies. Everything in David’s life at this time seems to have gone wrong, but extol and magnify His God above all his troubles and enemies.

Is everything in your life seem to have gone wrong and you drag yourself through one crisis only to face another, lift up your hands and throw back your shoulders. Are you faced daily with despair that threatens to engulf your soul? Are you beset by the threats of those seeking your downfall and hurt? In such a time turn to God in an attitude of praise, lift up your head today is your day of deliverance.

The way of praise is away of deliverance make much of Jesus in your praise for God delight in His son. Realise the power creator, stop meditating on your problem and magnify the Lord and God’s power goes to work for you. Turn your mind from your problem right now and focus on God with all sincerity praise Him tell Him how great and wonderful He is and how glad you are that He is on your side and you on His.

This is not manipulation, silence the devil tell him whether God deliver you or not you will praise Him But I want to assure you, your deliverance will come.

In Acts 16/16-34, Paul and Silas in prison refused to believe, that God had deserted them or that He was unmindful of their plight. They had a strong inner conviction that every thing was working out for God’s glory and their good.

Paul and Silas praise God and He responded, released His power into the dark and difficult situation and turn defeat into victory.

Psalm 56:3-4, the Bible says “Whenever I am afraid I will trust you. In God (I will praise His Word). In God I have put my trust; I will not fear what can flesh do to me”.

Praise is a precursor to a miracle. Jesus used seven loaves of bread and two pieces of fish to feed five thousand men when you praise and thank God with a grateful heart He turns your lack to abundance, poverty to prosperity, sickness to health, death to life etc.

Lazarus was raised from death to life after which thanksgiving and praise have been offered to God by the Master. There is a major miracle and breakthrough prepared for you by the father you praise and thanksgiving will provoke the release.

Praise is as powerful as prayer in bringing about spiritual victories, lifting up of burden depression etc.

There are conditions or atmosphere of praise that is acceptable to God. Some of which are;

1) Heartfelt praise is the only praise that will reach heaven. Sing the praise of God with utter delight and sincerity. Heartfelt gratitude to God is often prelude to a miracle or victory. God needs a thankful and grateful worshipper. Speak good thing about God.

2) God considers obedience to His word more important than extravagant sacrifice. Praise acceptable to God must come from an obedient heart.

3) Reconciliation with fellow Christians is a condition for acceptable praise. Do not offer praise to God when your heart is full of bitterness and hatred towards another Christian or person or God.

4) Genuine continuity is necessary for praise to victory. Pride and self-righteousness can hinder our praise. Pride kills thanksgiving (Amos 4:4-5)

5) Praise that is not given cheerfully falls short of the ideal (Exo 35:29)

6) Another quality needed to accompany praise given to God is divine grace.

You must have intimate relationship with God. Praise should be with good will, marginality and large heartedness; praise must be given with a generous disposition.

You can’t praise God genuinely if you have a bitter and quarrelsome spirit. If you do then you are praising God with grace in your heart and it is in Christ Jesus you have that abundant grace.

So you need to make your life right with Jesus Christ by surrendering to Him, Make the Lord of your life and continually declare His praise.


Pst Isaac.


“At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to Him, “Leave this place and go somewhere else, Herod wants to kill you”. He replied, “Go tell that fox I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal. In my case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day- for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem”. Luke 13v31-33
God created man with an awesome power and ability to live and fulfil the God ordained purpose in life. The spirit of God was put in Adam (Gen. 2v7) and hence was endowed and endued with God divine ability, hence he was told, dominate, subdue, and rule over, lord over Satan and the fallen angels.
Man was created without limit at the beginning because of His Spirit in man. Man lost this dominion through Adam, but the second Adam Jesus Christ came to restore that which was lost; as many as receive Him and believe in Him to them gave He the right and power to become children of God. In order words to them has been given divine endowment. Divine endowment and grace is not limited Discover and understand who you are, what you have been given and your mission in life, then the instinct not to be limited by situation, circumstance or man will begin to work in the inside and around you to press forward to be able to reach your goal in life.
To operate without limit, you must have divine knowledge, knowledge born out of revelation from God; what you know about God determines how you relate with Him and what you ask of Him to do in your life or situation facing you.
To operate without limit, you need to know who you are in God, Jesus was told that Herod wanted to kill Him and that He should abandon His duty post, His work, to flee from the town. Because Jesus Christ knew who He was, He replied, I will drive out demons and heal today and tomorrow. He told the devil and its agents to the face, you cannot stop me from accomplishing the God ordained Will and purpose for me in this land, He told the devil I cannot die before my time, nobody can kill me, my death is not known but at God ‘s ordained time and place. I therefore prophesy to your life, you will not die before your time, you will not be limited, you will not be stopped by the enemy at doing God’s Will and it shall be well with you.
Your knowledge of who you are makes you to refuse the devil’s attack on your destiny. Joseph knew who he was in God, refuse to allow potiphar’s wife to limit him through immoral or illegal sexual practice.
You are seated with Christ in heavenly place, your knowledge of your person in God you energise your activities in every domain of life.
In order not to be limited in life, be mindful of the association and relationship you keep, keeping bad company can limit you. The company you keep can make you or mar you. Your friends can influence you tremendously how far you will go in life or whether you will reach your goal or not. You are an eagle; do not keep company with the chicken.
You need to understand the law of the Spirit (Rom 8v2, 9v11) that is the law of sin and death, the law of the spirit of life in Christ is centred on faith in God, His Word and Christ.
The Just shall live by faith, do not draw back because of challenges or intimidation or harassment from the pit of hell and their workers. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Recognise that you are in constant warfare here on earth, therefore put on the full armour of God. (Eph 6v10-18) so that you can stand. Jesus Christ the saints of old did not compromise on putting on the armour and so were perfected.
Operate in love, your exercise of faith in God must be love based or motivated. You need to live in love and righteousness to make the law of the spirit of life to function well in you.
Your life in Christ has a predestined plan that would be manifested, and no harm will come to you, your purpose and or His purpose will be accomplished, His plan will be carried out without further delay, do not limit yourself, pursue God’s vision and goal for your life resolutely and passionately and you will be able to reach your God given goal in life, you will be perfected and fulfil God’s purpose.

Pray Job 5v 12-16 and Isa 54v 2-3
Pst Bamikole B. Isaac
(237) 7677170/ 200 97 97

God's Wish for You

“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest
prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and
testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou
walkest in the truth; I have no greater joy than to
hear that my children walkest in the truth.” (3 Jn
John the beloved, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the
inspiration of The Holy Spirit revealed the mind of
God to Gaius and every one that has been redeemed by
the precious blood of Jesus Christ and heirs of the
covenant, that God’s desire, expectation and will
above all things after salvation is for you to prosper
physically, materially and spiritually. God desires
that you do well consistently in material wealth,
physical wholeness. That is prosperity in soul and
mind. The Holy Spirit today emphasizes the fact that
God’s will or desire for us is forever settled.
Forever O Lord, your Word is settled. The matter of
your all round prosperity is settled in heaven. So
what God expects you to do is to walk in that truth as
revealed to you now. It is in your walking in that
truth that brings wishes to reality or manifestation.
When you walk in the truth you become unbeatable and
unstoppable because there is nothing you can do
against thye truth but for the truth and the truth you
know equally sets you free. So walk in the knowledge
of God’s divine prosperity for your life. It is the
will and the delight of God for you as God’s children
to prosper and you will prosper indeed in Jesus name.
In Deuteronomy 8:18, it is written that God’s power
is given to us to create wealth so that He the
Almighty can fulfill the covenant He has with our
fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel. God delights in
your material prosperity-money, silver, gold, herds
and cattle and other material possession that make
living worthwhile so that you can be rich. In
Phil.4:19, it is written, “But my God shall supply all
your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ
Jesus.” The Almighty God has treasures stored up in
darkness and riches in the secret places for those who
love and are committed to do his perfect will or obey
him. The riches and wealth of the gentiles as well as
the abundance of the sea is awaiting divine transfer
for the righteous. People who walked in righteousness
in Bible times as well as in contemporary time are
carriers of divine prosperity materially as we shall
consider the following few examples.
In Gen.13:1-2, the Bible has this to say about father
Abraham that he became very wealthy in livestock and
in silver and gold. Abraham. Abraham’s chief servant
attested to Abraham’s material wealth thus “the Lord
has blessed my servant abundantly and has become
wealthy. He has given him sheep and cattle, silver and
gold, menservants and maidservants and camels and
donkeys.” (Gen 24:35).
Isaac keyed into God’s covenant blessings for
Abraham, “The man became rich and his wealth continued
to grow until he became very wealthy so much that the
kings and nation began to envy him. Jacob inherited no
physical riches and wealth from Isaac but because he
was a carrier of God’s uncommon blessing he prospered
and became exceedingly wealthy despite the fact that
Laban reduced his wages ten times. Psalm 113:5-7 says
Who is like the Lord our God the one who sits
enthroned on high who stoops down to look on the
heavens and the earth. He raises the poor from the
dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.” Your
biological or natural family background has nothing to
do when it comes to God’s wish for you in prosperity
materially. David was made great materially because of
God’s covenant and love. Solomon gave an unusual
sacrifice to God because of this God paid him an
unusual visitation where he was given an open check
where he asked of the Lord for wisdom which brought
him great wealth from far and near. 1 Kgs 10:14 “the
weight of gold that Solomon received yearly was 666
talents, not including the revenues from merchants and
traders and from all the Arabian kings and governors
of the land.
God’s expectation for you is to constantly sow
cheerfully and generously in order to have a harvest
of riches and blessing from Elshaddai. Job was an
upright, perfect and God fearing man in his time. The
Bible says he was the greatest in the East. He was a
man of great substance. As you make holiness,
uprightness, perfection your lifestyle, you must be
conscious and believe too that God’s wish for you is
to prosper materially or to be in wealth; for this
reason, He gave you power to create wealth. God wishes
that you prosper, be in health even as your soul
prospers. God is not the author of sicknesses,
diseases and evil. He said in His Word that if you
listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and
do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to
His commands and keep all His decrees, I will not
bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the
Egyptian for I am the Lord who heals you (Exo.15:26)
God is interested in your sound health physically.
God promised to heal, cure and give you health.
Jer.33:6 says, “Nevertheless, I will bring health and
healing to you. I will heal my people and will let
them enjoy abundant peace and security.” God’s Word
concerning your health, healing, peace in your mind
and security and protection is a settled matter. So
you need to walk in this revealed truth.
God anointed Jesus Christ o Nazareth with the Holy
Ghost and power and He was going about doing good,
healing the sick and bringing deliverance to those who
are being oppressed by the devil for God was with Him.
Jesus Christ himself took our infirmities and bore our
sickness. The anointing of God is available today to
break the yoke of the devil-sin, sicknesses and
diseases. God is good and righteous. Beloved, you are
on God’s side and so evil must bow before good and the
wicked at the gates of the righteous. The glory, mercy
and grace of God work beyond your level of faith. So
btrust God for His matchless grace to see the reality
of His Word.
The third level of prosperity which God wish for you
is spiritual well-being. The Father has blessed us
with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in
Christ-wisdom, knowledge, power, spiritual gifts and
fruit among others are some of the spiritual wealth
that God has ordained for us Eph 1:3-6, Gal.5:22-23,
Prov 4:7. God through Christ has filled us with the
knowledge of his will for your life, to be fruitful in
all good works. Col.1:9-10 says, “for this reason,
since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped
praying for you asking God to fill you with the
knowledge of His will through all spiritual wisdom and
understanding. And we pray this in order that you may
live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in
everyway bearing fruit in every good work, growing in
the knowledge of God.
Spiritual prosperity should take pre-eminence over
material and physical prosperity. Take time to nourish
your soul and spirit very well. God desire or wish you
to prosper so in fulfillment or establishment of his
covenant, so that the whole earth may know that God of
Jacob is my God.
We should pray this prayer, “Lord let it please you
to bless my life and house, to be before you forever,
for who you bless is blessed forever. Holy spirit,
make my life pleasant before God so that he can bless
me according to His pleasure forever.”


Bind up the law among my disciples, that hides his face from the house of Jacob and I will hope in him. Behold, I and the children whom the Lord has given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, who dwell in mount Zion (Isaiah 8:17-18).
When God save you, He imparted into you divine power and his divine nature, so that you can be like Him in your actions, conduct and behaviour. The life of a believer or Christian (born-again) is a super- natural life for human being to live like the son of the most High God, He give you the power of the Holy spirit at your new birth and fullness of it when you get baptized and filled of it when the Holy Spirit.
“As many as received Him to them gave he power to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12).
“You shall receive power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you” (Acts 1:8a).
The Bible makes us to understand that we are children of God and as God’s children we are heirs and joint heirs with Christ and as joint heir with Him, we are to share in His suffering, glory and wonderful nature.
The almighty God is wonderful; Jesus Christ is called wonderful-counsellor. That is he was full of wonders and divine wisdom that made his life and ministry for signs and if you are a believers in Christ your life should not be less than awe, amazing, marvellous astonishing and symbolic.
Jesus Christ was for signs and wonders after the Holy Spirit descended on Him and led by the Holy Spirit to the wilderness.
“And Jesus being full of the Holy Spirit returned from the Jordon and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. And Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit into Galilee and there went out a fame of Him through the entire region round about. And they were astonished at his at doctrine for His word was with power” (Luke 4:1, 14, 32).
All who heard Jesus were astonished at his teaching, preaching, speaking, understanding and the miraculous healing and deliverance that were evidence in his life and ministry.
When Jesus healed the paralytic in the temple among other super-natural acts done, the people’s reaction was that of amazement and awe. “And they were all amazed and they glorified God and filled with fear, saying we have seen strange things today” (Luke 5:26)
The disciples of Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost were initiated into the realm of the super-natural, signs and wonders, because of God’s presence in the person of the Holy Spirit and power in their life.
God desire for you even today is to be for signs and wonders, our God dwells in Zion and has decreed that, you arte for signs and wonders you need to believe and trust in Him and His word to see it come to pass.
To be for signs and wonders, you must love righteousness and live a holy life. A life free of moral defects, compromise and contamination. “Who is like unto you among the goods? Who is like you, glorious in holiness, fearful in praise, doing wonders” (Exo 15:11).
Live a life full of praise and thanksgiving unto the Lord according to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
You must seek the power of the Holy Spirit for how long must you be born-again before seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Seek it immediately. Acts 10:38 says “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed by the devil; God was with Him”
You have been called into the life and ministry of sign and wonders as a believer; do not allow anyone to deceive you.
“These signs will accompany those that believer in my name shall they cast out demons, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following” (Mark 16:17-20).
Get empowered by the Holy Spirit for a life that is symbolic, marvellous and amazing. Being like Him be empowered like Him, work Like Him so that you end like Him victoriously.


Father purge my life of every sin; grant me ability to live a life free of moral defects, compromise and contamination.
· Fill me to overflowing with the fullness of the Holy Spirit and power.
· Father from today let my speaking, preaching, teaching be in the demonstration of the Spirit and power and with accompany signs and wonders following

Divine Security

He who dwells in the shelter of the most high
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of
the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in
whom I trust.” (Ps 91:1-2)
The world and the people therein is under the control
of invisible forces and power and this invisible force
could either be good or positive and evil or negative
at any given point in time. The spiritual world of
evil and good is real and has been at a logger head or
in conflict since the fall of man at the garden of
Eden. However in the midst of this conflict between
good and evil God has made a way of escape for whoever
will trust in Him to have perpetual testimonies of
security and safety. The Bible says: “No
temptation has seized you except what is common to
man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be
tempted beyond what you can bear, but when you are
tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you
can stand up under it.” (1Cor.10:13). God
promised that the devil and his agents will make an
attempt in your life to steal, kill or destroy through
diverse temptations, trials, challenges, attacks,
afflictions, pains and other evil devices but God will
always give His children who trust in him a way of
escape or stand tall and higher than the troubles.
There are several ways by which the enemy (the devil
and his agents) make attempts in the life of people to
destroy. In Psalm 91:5-6, the Bible mentions four
major security threats to life in reference to attack
by enemies in form of mortal diseases that are of
epidemics proportion. Such attack of sickness can come
either in the night or day. Sicknesses and diseases
from the pit of hell like tumours, cancer, fibroid and
other growths, chronic or frontal headache, high blood
pressure etc are mostly inflicted by Satan. Such
diseases and sicknesses hardly respond to curative
medicine. If you make the shelter or temple of God
your dwelling and live a godly life, you will find
safety under the protective wings of the Lord, Most
Other sources of danger to security which pose moral
threats is what the English man describes running from
frying pan to fire and running from pillar to pole.
“It will be as though a man fled from a lion
only to meet a bear, as though he entered his house
and rested his hand on the wall only to have a snake
bite him” Amos 5:19. This type of phenomenon has
demonic-spiritual undertone which except you have made
the Lord your strong tower and refuge, you will not
survive such attack. There are situations whereby your
safety is threatened not only by invisible evil powers
but evil people who covenanted with Satan to stop your
progress or completely get rid of you.
The bible makes us understand that evil people will
rise up against you to swallow you up alive, nurse
burning anger against you, rage against you with
raging water of their fury to overwhelm your very
lives, open their teeth to tear you apart and set
traps, nets and dig pits to fall into. The evil people
at times do come as mighty army to surround you and
attack o destroy. But the godly are assured of
security from threat of the evil ones.
Balak King of Moab hired a diviner/sorcerer(Balaam)
to bewitch, curse and afflict Israel with misfortune
so that Israel will not be able to fulfil God’s
divine purpose, but did not allow the evil counsel of
Balak and Balaam to be implemented because Israel made
the Lord their shelter. “ I received a command
to bless, He has blessed and I cannot reverse it. No
misfortune is in sight for Jacob; no trouble is in
store for Israel-----------. No curse can touch Jacob
no sorcery has any power against Israel”
(Numbers 23:20-23). Israel was ignorant of the plan of
these evil people. Today, there are several innocent
people suffering as a result of the activities of evil
people (diviners, enchanters, sorcerers, spell caters,
occult), medicine men and women, witches and wizards.
The problem or misfortune and trouble you are going
through in your marriage, job side, health could be as
a result of demonic programming into your life and
There is a way of escape for you in God, if you make
him your shelter and your refuge. For the godly
worshippers who make the Most High his or her
dwelling, there are provisions that God has made for
your security, safety and triumph over the menacing
beasts, Satan, his agents and their evil plots or
1.) Covet God’s divine presence. His presence
guarantees your safety. Psalm 124:2-3 “If the
Lord had not been on our side when people rose up
against us, they would have swallowed us alive because
of their burning anger against us.” Other
scriptures: Romans 8:31-32, Exodus 33:14)
2.) The name of the Lord is a strong tower (Solid
Rock) the righteous run into it and are safe. The name
of the Lord Jesus Christ is the sure name given to man
whereby you can be saved. Proverbs 18:10, Acts 4:12.
3.) The anointing of the Holy Spirit is a sure
guarantee for your safety. With God’s anointing
upon your life, all your enemies become paralysed.
They will only see you triumphing and flourishing and
they can not stop you. The anointing is the zeal of
God upon your life that makes you untouchable for the
enemy Psalm 23:5, Psalm 105:15.
4.) The wall of His fire surrounds God’s
children so that the strange sicknesses and diseases
and the evil people can not penetrate into their lives
and camp (Zech.2:5)
5.) His guarding angels-for every child of God, there
are angels assigned from heaven to watch over so that
no evil or calamity can befall that Saint of God who
has become the apple of God’s eye.
6.) Be fully armed with God’s Word and take
cover under the Blood of Jesus Christ. The Bible says
when the angel of destruction is going around and he
sees the blood of the Lamb (The Blood of Jesus), it
will pass over you. Rev.12:11, Exodus 12:13.
7.) The Holy Spirit-The Bible says when the enemies
shall come against you like a flood, He will command
His Holy Spirit to raise a standard against the
enemies Isaiah 1:19.
8.) Ensure you seek God in His temple and daily dwell
in his presence and tabernacle. “For in the day
of trouble, he will keep me safe in his dwelling, he
will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set
me high upon a rock, then my head will be exalted
above the enemies who surround me; at his tabernacle
will I sacrifice with shouts of joy. I will sing and
make music to the Lord (Psalm 27:5-6)
As You daily face the challenges and oppositions in
life, if you make God the Most High your shelter you
can confidently pray to God to deliver you from all
those who conspire to bring you down. Have the strong
confidence and trust in the Lord that as you wait
patiently for that which He has promised which is sure
you will definitely enjoy security in the Lord in the
face of all that your enemies (the devil and its
agents) can do.


« As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for you o God, my soul thirsts for the living God, when shall I come and appear before God ? » (Ps 42v1-2)
In the life of a man, there is nothing that brings satisfaction and refreshing like the abiding and the awesome presence of the Almighty God.
In the year that God has promised us the ultimate breakthrough or the very best, the danger or mistake Will could make is to loose focus and the pursuit of God for breakthroughs or His promises. To receive the very best is for you to make your need and desire for Him the utmost goal every moment of your life. As the deer depends on water for existence in the desert, so your life depends on God for total deliverance and restoration of fullness of life. As water is essential for physical life, so God and His presence are essential for satisfaction and wholeness of life.
God desire that you hunger and thirst for Him, His grace, blessing and supernatural activity in your life. To stop thirsting and hunger for God is to die spiritually. Hunger for God is foundational requirement for all godly living. God desires we hunger for Him in order for us to have or gain a new experience of Him that will move us to the next level of progress, success, glory etc…
Moses cried to God for a new experience “if you are please with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favour with you, Lord show me your glory” (Exo 33v13, 18)
The Psalmist in 42v2, 6 make his longing and desire to God known and what resulted was a call from the deep.
David had a deep longing in his heart for God. The longing that can only be satisfied by an intimate relationship with Him. (Ps 63v1). Paul’s prayer to god was that He may know Christ and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering even been made conformable to His death. (Phil3v10).
Your spiritual and physical conditions through life will depend on your hunger and thirst for:
a) The presence of God- you are to seek the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your mind (Deut 4v29)
b) The word of god, cultivate the habit of regular reading, studying and meditation on the Word of God (Ps119)
c) Long for the communion of Christ; shun all that will not allow you to study at the feet of Jesus always. (Phil 3v8-10)
d) The fellowship of the spirit; Jesus Christ emphasis the need to cry, pray and strongly desire the continuous flow of the river of the Holy Spirit into us and through us; so that He can constantly make the things of God known to us, empower us for effective service in the kingdom.
e) Righteousness- God is righteous, to measure up to God’s righteousness we need to be imputed with Christ’ righteousness which makes the flow of the anointing of Holy Spirit through us unhindered.
f) When we hunger for God, the kingdom power is imputed of God demonstrated in our lives, and assemblies. That God’s kingdom come in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit to save sinners, to destroy the demonic, heal the sick and to magnify the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matt 6v33)
g) The return of the Lord- Jesus Christ is coming back again, your hunger for God will qualify you to meet with Him at His second appearance.”…when He is revealed we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has His hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure” (1 John 3v2-3)
There are things that can destroy your hunger for God and the things of God which the Holy Spirit will like to help you deal with.
1- Worldly anxiety and the deceitfulness of wealth, and life achievement. (Matt 13v22)
2- Inordinate desire for things that is having an insatiable appetite for things, no godliness and contentment, (Matt 4v19, 1 Tim 6v6).
3- Desire for life pleasure. (Luke 8v14)
4- Failure to remain or abide in Christ. (Jn 15v4)
5- Counting or relying on yesterday success or failure.
You must not allow anything to diminish your intense desire for God and the things of God. As you yearn for a greater manifestation of His presence, you may experience delay; continue to hunger and seek God. The Lord promises to bless those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. (Matt 5v6).
Do not settle for less than His full blessing, in the midst of God’s silence, press to know God and experience a greater measure of the Holy Spirit. (Hosea 6v1-3, Acts 2v38-39)
Prayer Points:
1- That your longing for God’s presence might strengthened
2- Let my love for the full manifestation of the Holy Spirit be greater in Jesus’ name
3- My passion to see the fullness of Christ’ kingdom and righteousness might be deepened.
Cry out to Him day and night in a heartfelt thirst, even as the deer pants for streams of times of drought.


Pastor Bamikole Isaac


« Now the Lord had said to Abram, Get out of your country from your family ? And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation, I will bless you. And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you, And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Gen 12:1-3).

Everyone born of God, redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ has been called to make strong impression and effect in life, his her environment where you live or carry out day to day work. The life of God impacted into you at new birth is to cause you to bring positive change in the world around you. Infact the godly authority and power vested to you by virtue of your position as a priest and king brought you to the class of world changers, and a people whose life activities and endeavours is point people to the almighty God and bring glory to His holy name, and blessing to humanity in your generation and even the generation yet to come.

Abram was called out to be blessed by God among the blessing pronounced on him is that he will become a great nation, have a great name and be a blessing. A life that is blessed and become a blessing is a life of impact.

Abraham’s impact on the history of mankind can never be forgotten his life was so impressive that people of other religions (fake religion) believers in God have to identify and associate with Abraham and the God of Abraham. Everyone, every where will always associate with an achiever and successful either for one good or wrong motive or the other.

The life of Abraham was a great influence that Islamic religion as contradictory to God of Abraham in practice as it is claim that Abraham is their father but not of the covenant hence the negative impact it is having in the life of people, society where it has been rooted or established.

The scripture says “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree) that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the gentiles in Christ Jesus that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith” Gal 3:13-14.

By virtue of your redemption, God through Christ has called you to a man of influence and affluence in your society. You are not called into a life of a beggar or valley but a life on the mountain top to bring positive changes (light and life) as to the world of the people around you.

Jesus Christ washed you in His own precious blood and made you to be kings and priests to His God and Father, who have glory and dominion forever and ever.

If you are Christ, Christ be His finished work on the cross of Calvary has made you a king and a priest, a prince of God who have glory and dominion.

There is no king who does not have a kingdom over which he rules, exercise authority, which mush be automatically obeyed by all his subjects, natives and non-natives within his domain, geographical or ethnic boundaries. The king rule and influence in the physical, go to war against his enemy ensure security, safety and abundance supply of every good thing that is a necessity to living. He is a man honoured, respected blessed by his subjects. He has tremendous authority to determine what happen within his kingdom.

So as king to the almighty God you are to rule and reign here on earth, all earthly thing are under your control or dominion to influence, and will them for God’s glory now and for evermore. You are to bring all things into subjection to the obedience of Christ, a king is on top ruling and reigning by majesty, wealth and by decree. He is a man whose name is always written down in the annals of record either for good or bad. The kings name is known by his subjects, even by outsiders because it is a great name. The demons in the children of Sceva said Paul I know, Jesus I know but who are you. Paul was a king that influence the then generation in his time and even now, believers Christian, non-Christian and even hell knew him. May your life from now have impact in Jesus name.

A priest is-in-charge of Spiritual authority. He represent the people before God and represent God before the people. As a priest you are to influence heaven in favour of your Life, people and the society where you Life. You are to make so much impact with heaven that the people around you are seeing nothing but God almighty in you and all around you, so much that no matter their wickedness and cevel of idolatry that they come to recognise and worship the king of king and High priest that has made you a priest.

Daniel in the land of Babylon in a strange land and as a slave made so much impact that the king of Babylon “Darices” to pass a decree that all his people should serve the God of Daniel because there was non like Him. “I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel” (Dan 6:26).

The regenerated man is a carrier of God of God’s living and divine being (Holy Spirit) that is to make him fruitful, increase, blossom, be victorious, prosperous successful, be in health and dominion perpetually because that is God’s command concerning you. (Gen 1:28)

God foreknew you predestined you, called you justified and glorified you before the foundation of the earth. Is it not for that your life should strongly impress the knowledge, glory and fullness of God on the people of the society or nation where your live.

What are the things to do to make impact in your generation and even the one to come.

First you must be well connected to the source of life who is Jesus Christ and let His life given Spirit and power daily flow into and through your. John 15:5

Second, your obedience to God’s command must be prompt and complete or total. God hate incomplete obedience. Gen 12:4. If your obedience is complete, you will eat the good of the land (Isa 1:19). God told Abraham to walk before him blameless, perfect, so that His purpose for to influence and impact his generation and the ones to come for Him. So holy and righteous living is so important to making impact in life.

Third, be an intercessor, Abraham’s prayer life influenced God’s decision on Sodom and Gomorrah especially for his cousin and his family. Through your prayers you can birth the salvation, healing and deliverance of individuals, families, towns and cities and nations (Gen 18:25-32).

Fourth, be generous and hospitable, give in love cheerfully and in continuous basis. Be a giver in offering and in tithes and you will see God open the windows of heaven to you to bless you and make you a blessings so much that nations will call you blessed Mal 3:10-12, Gen 14:20.

Fifth, a strong believer in the God of heaven is very important; the heroes of faith in Hebrew did exploit I their time by faith that even today we are still taking about them as an example to follow.

Sixth, to impact your generation you must be a faithful witness for the Lord, proclaimed Jesus to all and sundry philipt enter one of the city of Samaria and in some few days turned the city upside down for the Lord, chased out demons in the people life to be filled with the Holy Spirit, replaced sorrow with joy, death with life, oppression with liberty. (Acts 8:5-8) This a life of impact that you are called to.

You are called to live not just to exist and you have this life to live once. You can by his grace and provision live a footprint on planet earth, that generation yet to come will benefit from.

You can talk to the almighty God like psalmist “O God you have taught me from my youth and to this day I declare your wondrous works, Now also when I am old and Gray headed. O God, do not forsake me. Until I declare your strength to this generation, your power to everyone who is to come” Psalms 71:17-18.