As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage
and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of
His disciples saying to them, “go to the village ahead
of you and just as you enter it, you will find a colt
tied there which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and
bring it here. If anyone asks you why are you doing
this, tell him, The Lord needs it and will send it
back here shortly. Mark 11:1-3.
The Bible made us to understand that the heavens and
the earth, the world and all that is in it belong to
God. He (the Almighty) has earmarked for everyone
created in the world a comprehensive welfare programme
for our individual well being while here on earth.
That is why at birth, we brought nothing into the
world, no silver, no gold, no cow, no goat. Everything
we have need of to fulfil destiny, bring pleasure to
the Lord your maker and enjoy life well has been
prepared before you were born.
Many can not receive what God has prepared for them
because of the enmity between them and God but when a
man becomes born-again (regenerated) he is brought
into the family of God, to see, to enter and possess
the fullness of the blessings of that kingdom. The
Bible tells us that there are things that God has
prepared for those who love Him which can only be
revealed to us by His Spirit, for the Spirit searches
all things even the deep things of God.
Becoming born-again makes you to become one Spirit
with the Lord and the Spirit who is from the Lord
brings to understanding what God has freely given you.
God created all things for His pleasure, for our
benefits and utilisation. God positioned or put in
place where your inheritance and possessions are.
Before Jesus Christ came to Bethphage on this
occasion, God had already put into place the colt or
donkey he was to ride on that will bring him honour,
glory and the fulfilment of God’s promise in his life.
Whatsoever God has ordained for your glory, honour,
welfare and fulfilment of His purpose and plan is in
the waiting room or His store house for you to take.
The world is His and the fullness thereof.
In Jer.29:11, the Bible says, “for I know the plans I
have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a
future.” God has planned and put into place a
comprehensive welfare scheme and good things for you
now and even in the future. Before Jesus came to
Bethany, the colt was already tied waiting for him to
possess and use to God’s glory.
Jesus Christ being God in Luke 5:4-6 knew where the
fishes were that were meant for Peter to catch on that
faithful day. When Peter obeyed the instruction of God
and controller of the entire universe, Peter enclosed
a great multitude of fish. These fishes could not have
gone into Peter and John’s nets even though they too
were in the high sea with Peter because they were not
meant for them. I pray that you will not miss what God
has freely prepared for you this year.
The madman of Gadarenes was destined to be a city
wide evangelist, but legions of demons tied him to the
graveside. Jesus went to him right at the cemetery,
untied him from among the dead and madmen to fulfil
God’s original purpose. I pray Jesus will untie all
the good things in your life-talents, gifts, silver
and gold that is in custody of the devil today so that
life can bring glory and praise to God.
In Exodus 11:2-3a, the abundance of the Israelites
were tied down in Egypt for 430 years. But one day God
untied and loosed Israel and its inheritance from
Egypt. The silver, gold and cloth received by Israel
were later used to build God’s tabernacle in the
wilderness, which is the fulfilment of God’s plan. I
pray that all that you need to worship, honour and
glorify God be untied to you in Jesus name.
In Psalm 45:2-3, God promised to go before you, give
you the treasures of darkness and riches of secret
places if you will dedicate yourself and wealth for
His use.
In Mark 11:3, the people who claimed to be owners or
custodians of colts challenged the disciples why they
were untying the colt meant for the Master’s use. In
the bid to untie or loose or claim what God has
originally or freely prepared for you for His glory,
you will face challenges or opposition and resistance
from the former occupant. You must take your stand to
receive your inheritance in the kingdom. From the days
of John the Baptist, God’s kingdom suffer violence and
is the violent that take it by force. Overcome every
opposition by speaking the Word of the Master. The
Word of faith concerning claiming of your inheritance
that is to bring glory and praise to Jesus.
In Job 22:21-28, the word of God says, “get
acquainted with the Word, receive instruction from the
Lord. You will then decree a thing and what you speak
or decree shall be established. The disciples spoke
just the word or instruction Jesus passed unto them
and the colt was let go. Remember that where the word
of the king is there is power. Learn to speak the word
of the king and situations, people and circumstances
shall obey you.
The custodian of the colt let go of the colt for the
Master’s use. The fullness of God’s blessings has been
given to us through Christ Jesus. You need to discover
what blessings that has been earmarked for you. Ask
and demand for it, be willing and ready to dedicate
whatsoever you are asking from the Lord back to Him
for his use. Heaven, earth and man can not hold back
that which God has ordained for your glory.
If any lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives
generously to all without finding fault and it will be
given to him. But when he asks, he must be believe and
not doubt (James 1:5-6a).
Remain Blessed in Jesus name.