Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Then the Lord appeared to him and said “Do not godown to Egypt, live in the land of which I shall tell you. Dwell in this land and I will be with you and bless you, for to you and your descendants I give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father. And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; I will give to your descendants all these lands; and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.”(Gen 26:2-4). The Almighty God is a covenant keeping God. He is not a man that lies or the son of man that repents of His Word, what He says He will do and what He will do, He will always say it to His servants. The Almighty entered into a covenant (formal binding agreement) with Abraham to bless him and his descendants forever. While Isaac was yet in Abraham’s loins, he was already blessed, Isaac was born blessed because of the covenant God had with his father. Isaac was growing in to blessing, walking unto higher heights in blessings because of God’s oath or promise to Abraham. God told Isaac do not run away to Egypt, do not go and seek help from the land of bondage and slavery, do not go to the world or heathen for help, before you were conceived in your mother’s womb, I have pronounced my blessing for you through your father because of the agreement he had with me to walk before me blameless and perfect. So when the famine or season of prolonged dryness came upon the land of the Philistine in Gerar, God remembered Isaac because of the covenant or agreement He had with his father (Abraham) that He will surely bless him and his descendants forever.
The power of covenant or oath is so strong. It is capable of making you to succeed when others are failing, keep you in health while others are in sickness; in prosperity while people around you are languishing in abject poverty, gives you sweatless triumph while others are struggling with issues of life and living in defeat. God told Isaac to stay in the land, do not go to Egypt, I will perform my oath or fulfil my agreement with you as I promised your father. God’s promise to Abraham was re-enacted and revived in Isaac that, He shall be the a great nation, he shall be blessed, his name shall be great; he shall be a blessing, those who bless you shall be blessed; God will curse him who curses Isaac; In Isaac shall all his family and other families of the earth be blessed. These blessings were released to Isaac (biological descendants and Israel till today). Through Christ Jesus our Lord every one who believes God has been brought into covenant blessing of Abraham and everything God did in the biological Isaac, He isc ommitted to do and even do much more for you and me that have been redeemed and purchased by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us for it is written “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith. If you are a child of God, a true believer born of water and of the Spirit of the Living God ,I can assure you that through faith in God and patience you will receive what God has promised father Abraham through Christ Jesus, you are under the covenant of life, power, prosperity, health, royalty and priesthood.
Obedience to the Lord’s command. This is a very important factor to entering and operating in God’s covenant blessing like Isaac did obey God’s voice to stay in the land of Gerar. If you be willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land (Isaac1:19)· You must locate or discover the land of your life, the Lord's perfect will for your life, be where He wants you to be at the right time and doing what He desires you to do at every given point (Gen 26:2-3)·
Exercise your faith in God, your faith in Him must be expressed in love, humility and patience (Gen 26:7)· Hard work and perseverance is a vital key to appropriating your covenant blessing. “Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. (Gen.26:12). No food, no blessing for lazy man that go about folding arms.
Be an incurable worshipper, Isaac like Abraham was aman that appreciates God’s grace and mercy, He was a man that knows how to raise and build an altar unto the Lord his God. Learn how to approach God’s gates with thanksgiving in your heart, enter His court with praise and declare His awesomeness, glory and power.(Gen.26:25, Psalm 100:1-3)·
Be generous and hospitable. Isaac even made a feast for the people that envied, persecuted and drove him away from his inheritance. The generous and hospitable cannot but receive God’s divine visitation that comes with ultimate blessing and breakthrough. Beloved, we can assure you that God desires the best for you in every area of life, He is daily thinking and working things out for your very best. So learn to position yourself rightly so that He can fulfil His covenant of peace, salt and unlimited greatness with you.

Monday, May 22, 2006

A Run Down of the Programme for the 10th Anniversary Celebration of RCCG Cameroon




Thursday 27th April 2006
Sensitisation/publicity of the 10th annviersary of the R.C.C.G CAMEROON
All members of the Church

Friday 28th April 2006
5pm – 10pm Praise and Worship, Drama and R.C.C.G Global vision
Pastor Isaac
Youth Choir
All members/invitees and the general Public

Saturday 29th April 2006
9am – 11am -Novelty Match (football) played by Youths vs Caleb Men Generation

5pm -
-A brief history of the genesis of the R.C.C.G Yaoundé
- A talk on “Building a successful Career”
The family and church

Pa Ngantu (Speaker)

Pastor Bamikole Isaac

Sunday 30th April 2006
-Special testimonies(2) by a male & female member of the church
-Sunday worship (Service)
-Feasting and cutting of anniversary cake.
All members and the general public

Monday 1st May 2006
A talk on “The Kingdom Wealth” by Evangelist .Madison Ngafeeson
All members and the general public

Tuesday 2nd April 2006
Special evening prayers for the members, the church and the Nations
A talk: The Kingdom Wealth.
Different Groups

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


“And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods in the fruit of your body in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens to give the rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail, You shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today and are careful to observe them” Deut 28:11-13. There are five levels of manifestation of the kingdom wealth or blessing which we shall briefly look into. God desire that you manifest these five levels as a mark of the fulfilment of His covenant of blessing or prosperity·
Being able to eat and be full. God’s desire is that your choice food be available daily on your table (Deut.8:10)·
Ability to build beautiful or goodly houses and to dwell in your houses.(Deut.8:12)·
It is the will of God for you to experience multiplication of herds and flocks. That is you flourish, be fruitful or productive in your career or ministry. What God desires for you is for you to prosper in the work of your hand. To be blessed in your academic, family ,vocation etc.(Deut.8:13a)·
That silver and gold be multiplied unto you. You are to increase in silver and gold which may come as a result of increase in salary, remuneration, enlargement of your business, higher level of skill acquisition and improved Career with improved conditions of service · God desires you to have blessings of every kind multiplied to you.
There are binding rules governing the flow of the Kingdom’s Wealth (prosperity). This law handed down by God will work for any man at any time and anywhere. A law does not change; it is not a respecter of persons. We shall consider some of the laws that govern the flow of Kingdom’s Wealth.
(1)The law of God’s presence. If God is with you, you are bound to prosper and do well in life. Cultivate the presence of God; His presence with you commands His favour in your life and makes man to favour you; God’s favour around you will surely bring wealth. (Gen. 39:2-5, 23).
(2) The law of obedience .The Bible commands us to keep the Word of this covenant, and observe and do them; that you may prosper in all that you do. (Deut.29:9).
(3) The law of meditation. Meditation refers to having a deep thought on the Word of God. Believe in what God says concerning your well-being, let it be mixed with faith in your heart, and be engraved on the tablet of your heart; have the confidence and trust in the Word and let it be the motivating factor for your action;Thinking and dwelling on God’s promises, covenant. Donot live your life waiting or depending on man. Trusting God and His infallible Word, do your best at your job or assignment. God who commands prosperity will hand it over to you. (Ps 1:3, Phil.4:8).
(4) Law of faith. Have faith in God. Faith in Him or His word brings about your establishment and your believe in His prophets brings about your prosperity.(11 Chronicles 20:20)
(5) Your desire to seek God must be very strong. Keep seeking God, depending trust and continuously lean on Him daily. Do not take any decision without due consultation with Him (2Chro 26:3-5)
(6) Seek the good of Israel and God's chosen race. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem; love the place of habitation or seat of God’s government here on earth and in heaven (Psalm 122:6-7)
(7) Show continuous and regular hospitality. The generous shall be rewarded. All the patriahs in the Bible are men that are given to hospitality and no wonder God prospered them. Give gifts to God and to men cheerfully, generously and continuously and God will cause men to give to your bosom (Luke 6:38)
(8) Hard work. God is the most prosperous person; His prosperity comes as a result of hard work as shown in the creation. He spent six (6) days out of seven days in the week to work ,that is 85% of His time in the week was spent working. Jesus Christ worked as the Father did. The patriahs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David etc were all hard working people. So God blessed and prospered them exceedingly in silver, gold, manservants, maidservants, in herd and cattle (Gen26:12-14).
God desires that all of us enjoy the kingdom's wealth. However there are some reasons why someone may not prosper.· Rebellion against God (Deut 8:19-20)· He who covers his or her sin shall not prosper (Pro28:13)· Fighting God and attacking God’s people (Isa 54:17)· Robbing God in tithes and offering, that is stealing from God (Mal 3:8-9). God’s plans and desires for you in life is that of good, blessing and prosperity. So God expecs you to obey Him, Love Him and do His perfect will for you in life; and so you have no cause to struggle and be in want for God’s blessings will always follow and overtake you. Whole heartedly acknowledge Christ as Lord and Saviour in your life daily and it shall be well with you all the days of your life.


To be able to operate the kingdom wealth, we must first and foremost understand the Kingdom and know its principles, the dos and don’ts of the Kingdom. The Kingdom we are referring to is the Almighty God’s Kingdom. Matthew 6:13b says “For yours is the kingdoms and the power and the glory forever amen”. The kingdom belongs to the Father. All the power, the glory, treasures and riches therein belong to Him. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof; the herds or cattles in a thousand hills, the silver and gold as well as the people belong to the AlmightyGod.
To participate or benefit from the Kingdom's wealth, you must belong to the kingdom. Jesus says “Most assuredly, I say to you unless one is bone again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Most assuredly I say to you unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God” (John3:3, 5). Unless a man is born-again, that is experiences spiritual birth by confessing, repenting, turning away from sin or the devil and turn to God by believing and receiving Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour he or she cannot enter the kingdom, not to talk of enjoying the kingdom’s wealth. Jesus said that it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom and all its riches. Do not fear, little flock, for it is your father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom “Luke 12:32” It gives the father happiness, joy when you receive the kingdom and its benefits. For God takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servants and His people. Donot be afraid to receive the very best of blessings that God has prepared for you. He is the owner of wealth and riches to the end of the earth; He who has the kingdom, reigns and rules over the affairs of the kingdom and He administesr its wealth justly.
God has you in mind in the allocation and distribution of the kingdom’s wealth. However, the father did not want us to set our mind and heart on wealth, and also not to get worry about what to wear, eat, or drink like the gentiles. He knows you have needs of these things and it is His work to give you as you seek His kingdom and righteousness first.
The kingdom addition naturally flows to you when you become kingdom addicted or possessed. You need to learn the use of the kingdom’s wealth in order to operate the kingdom’s wealth. Wealth is for investment. “Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches nor moth destroys” Luke 12:33. True prosperity or kingdom wealth has nothing to do with greed, covetousness, stinginess, selfishness or self-centeredness. God desires that your heart be totally sown out to the kingdom and the things of the kingdom; so that as He gives divine instruction, our ears could be open to hear Him.“If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasure” (John 36:11)

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


“When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water, and behold the heavens were open to Him and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him” (Matthew 3:16)
Each man, woman, each locality, church or fellowship, community or nation have it own heaven over its head. It is possible for the heavens of a man to be closed and yet his immediate neighbour is operating under open heavens.
The difference is so clear concerning the individual operating under closed or open heavens. “When I shut up heavens and there is no rain or command the locusts to devour the land or send pestilence among my people. And your heavens which are over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you shall be iron” (2 Chron 7:13, Deut 28:23).
And behold the heavens were opened to Him Matthew 3:16. Each man operates vertically under a heaven space. It is marked out for each person. Closed heavens is mostly linked with lack of rain and lack of refreshing which is evidenced by famine, sin sickness, drifts, devourers, hardship, lack, poverty, unfruitfulness or lack of productivity and other evil manifestations that bring discomfort to life. When the heavens opened, there is the pouring forth of the rain of heaven, rain in the scripture represents the down pour or out pouring of the Holy Spirit on the lives of men. The pouring forth of heavenly blessings on man for service, a release of anointing for service, it is symbolic of God’s answering prayers His divine presence and approval. Open heavens is a pre-requisite to enjoying God’s favour, fulfilment of His covenants and promises of old.
God's desire for us is to enjoy or live perpetually under open heavens, but closed heavens come as a result of man living in sin and outright disobedience to God’s laws, statutes, command and judgement. Deut28:15, 23, and 24. Closed heavens occur when there is marital disharmony or when there is unfaithfulness in homes or families Malachi 2:13-16. When a person shows no interest or indifference towards heavenly things or misuse God’s grace, that individual or community will definitely experience closed heavens. If your heaven is closed, there are definite steps you must take to secure your open heavens. “If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then l will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chron.7:14).
To secure open heavens therefore:
(i) Hunger and thirst for open heavens. Hunger and thirst for God's intervention in your life, cry desperately for a refreshing, to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Heavens will be opened to the desperate in seeking God, those whose confession is, if God does not do it, no one else can. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness For they shall be filled (Matt 5:6) (ii) Be patient and optimistic as you labour in prayer for your heavens to be opened (1kings 18:43-45) Example Jesus Christ deliberately sought the heavens to be opened unto Him (Matt 3:13-17)
(iii) Genuine repentance, restitution and humility is required (2 Chron 7:14). Tarry; wait for your heavens to be opened. Elisha followed Elijah from Gilgal to Bethel, to Jericho and across the Jordan River in order to secure his open heaven. (2kings 2:4-14). The apostle responded to Jesus' command to wait in Jerusalem until you are endowed with rain and power. At the fullness of time heaven was opened unto them for the supernatural manifestation (Acts 2:1-4). To secure open heaven you must turn away from your wicked ways; pull down evil alters. Baal and every idol in your life must be completely broken down, worldliness must be discarded. Turn to God again.
Absolute consecration to God is very important to secure open heavens. abide in Christ, in his word, inhis love, his word must abide in you, you must be willing to subject yourself to constant pruning and develop a progressive intimacy with God. Open heavens come with tremendous blessings such as :
· Great down pour of blessings and fulfilment.
· Promises long expected suddenly find fulfilment
· Open heavens generate commitment to God
· Open heavens comes with much provision in every way
· Little effort brings much unprecedented results.
As you secure open heavens, maintain it. God has never stopped any revival. It has always been man who always stops the flow of the anointing and God’s blessing. God desires continuous out pouring of His blessings.
Open heavens is for born again children of God. Revival is for God’s people. May you continue to enjoy open heaves in Jesus name.
Yours in Him
Pastor Bamikole Isaac