« And Moses said to the people “Do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. The Lord will fight for you and you shall hold your peace” (Exo 14: 13- 14)
The children of Israel was in bondage for 430years and the almighty God by His great and outstretched arm brought deliverance to Israel and moved them out of Egypt, so that God might fulfil his covenants with Abraham concerning his descendants. It is with great interest to know that God desire we live in perfect liberty, the Bible says who so ever the son of man shall set free is free indeed.
Pharaoh like the devil will always contend with the liberty and blessing of God in our lives.
As soon as the children of Israel matched out of Egypt, the bible made us to understand that Pharaoh and the best of his soldiers pursued the children of Israel either to capture them and bring them back into captivity or destroy them Israel seeing the host of army of Egypt was terrified and cried to the Lord in fear not in confidence, murmured and complain against their leader and desire they go back to Egypt the land of bondage.
Beloved you have been saved, washed cleansed by blood of Jesus, and translated into the kingdom of God, the kingdom of peace power, prosperity and life in full, you have been saved from the power of sin and the consequences of sin, but you should not be ignorant of the devices of the devil that he is not happy at your freedom and he is doing everything possible to afflict you so that you can miss the very best God has in stock for you. As you go on this journey to heaven, “the promised land”, the devil and his agents will pursue you to conquer back to their camp through various vices like sin, sickness, poverty, oppression, lack, failure etc…
But when he (devil) come against you, remember to look up, looking unto Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith look unto the holy hill where help will definitely come in time of need
Look up in time of trouble, distress, when the enemy come against you like a flood, His Holy Spirit will raise a standard against the enemy when you rightly see God. God in His mercy will bring you out of your problems or tight corner when you know who you are in Him, know where you are standard and show the right attitude or disposition, God mighty deliverance will come to bring you out of the mess or misery the devil want to put you or has already put you.
You must stand firm in the Lord in order to get to your promised land, appropriate God’s blessing for you and your family. The very best blessing or ultimate breakthrough has been earmark for you in order to get there and possess your possession and inheritance, you must do the following:
1) Rely and depend absolutely on God’s saving grace Acts 15v11, Heb 16
2) Hold unto the promises of God without looking back or doubt; the Israel of old could not take hold of God’s inheritance for them because of rebellion and sin of unbelief. Heb 3v16-19, Lk 9v62
3) Trust and have confidence in God, the Bible says we should lean not on our understanding, but to trust Him with all our heart. (Pro 3v5-7
4) Be determined to do God’s will and follow God’s way at all cost; let His will prevail in your life (Isa 55v8, Lk 22v42)
5) Be focussed, focus on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, focus on where you are going, be possess with His promises and vision for your life, refuse to be distracted (Heb 12v2)
6) Love God, abide in Him. Let nothing separate you from His love. Rom8 v35
7) Have strong faith in God, that faithful is He who has called you and He will do it. (1 thess 5v24, Mk 11v21)
A: Your enemy will recognise your God and reference Him. Dan 3v29, Dan 6v26-27
B: Your enemy will be destroyed in your place. Isa 43v2-4
C: You will be promoted. Dan 3v30
D: You will prosper. Dan 6v27
E: God will defend and honour you
Beloved, no matter the challenge you are presently facing, stand firm in the Lord, for it will come to pass, fear not for the problems or Egyptian you are seeing today, you will see them no more. Walk along with God.
“At that time some Pharisees came to Jesus and said to Him, “Leave this place and go somewhere else, Herod wants to kill you”. He replied, “Go tell that fox I will drive out demons and heal people today and tomorrow, and on the third day I will reach my goal. In my case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day- for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem”. Luke 13v31-33
God created man with an awesome power and ability to live and fulfil the God ordained purpose in life. The spirit of God was put in Adam (Gen. 2v7) and hence was endowed and endued with God divine ability, hence he was told, dominate, subdue, and rule over, lord over Satan and the fallen angels.
Man was created without limit at the beginning because of His Spirit in man. Man lost this dominion through Adam, but the second Adam Jesus Christ came to restore that which was lost; as many as receive Him and believe in Him to them gave He the right and power to become children of God. In order words to them has been given divine endowment. Divine endowment and grace is not limited Discover and understand who you are, what you have been given and your mission in life, then the instinct not to be limited by situation, circumstance or man will begin to work in the inside and around you to press forward to be able to reach your goal in life.
To operate without limit, you must have divine knowledge, knowledge born out of revelation from God; what you know about God determines how you relate with Him and what you ask of Him to do in your life or situation facing you.
To operate without limit, you need to know who you are in God, Jesus was told that Herod wanted to kill Him and that He should abandon His duty post, His work, to flee from the town. Because Jesus Christ knew who He was, He replied, I will drive out demons and heal today and tomorrow. He told the devil and its agents to the face, you cannot stop me from accomplishing the God ordained Will and purpose for me in this land, He told the devil I cannot die before my time, nobody can kill me, my death is not known but at God ‘s ordained time and place. I therefore prophesy to your life, you will not die before your time, you will not be limited, you will not be stopped by the enemy at doing God’s Will and it shall be well with you.
Your knowledge of who you are makes you to refuse the devil’s attack on your destiny. Joseph knew who he was in God, refuse to allow potiphar’s wife to limit him through immoral or illegal sexual practice.
You are seated with Christ in heavenly place, your knowledge of your person in God you energise your activities in every domain of life.
In order not to be limited in life, be mindful of the association and relationship you keep, keeping bad company can limit you. The company you keep can make you or mar you. Your friends can influence you tremendously how far you will go in life or whether you will reach your goal or not. You are an eagle; do not keep company with the chicken.
You need to understand the law of the Spirit (Rom 8v2, 9v11) that is the law of sin and death, the law of the spirit of life in Christ is centred on faith in God, His Word and Christ.
The Just shall live by faith, do not draw back because of challenges or intimidation or harassment from the pit of hell and their workers. Greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. Recognise that you are in constant warfare here on earth, therefore put on the full armour of God. (Eph 6v10-18) so that you can stand. Jesus Christ the saints of old did not compromise on putting on the armour and so were perfected.
Operate in love, your exercise of faith in God must be love based or motivated. You need to live in love and righteousness to make the law of the spirit of life to function well in you.
Your life in Christ has a predestined plan that would be manifested, and no harm will come to you, your purpose and or His purpose will be accomplished, His plan will be carried out without further delay, do not limit yourself, pursue God’s vision and goal for your life resolutely and passionately and you will be able to reach your God given goal in life, you will be perfected and fulfil God’s purpose.
Pray Job 5v 12-16 and Isa 54v 2-3
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