Tuesday, March 25, 2008


I want to thank God for adding to me more faith. At first I thought deliverance and healing were only for anointed servants of God.
Last week, I carried some clients from Mendong to the general Hospital via CAMAIR. I do not know what happened on that day for my glasses are usually wound up but on that fateful day they were down. There was traffic jam at CAMAIR and suddenly I heard a knock on the driver’s door and when I turned to look, the passenger’s door was open and all the money I had worked for until that time, about 6,000CFA francs was removed and made away with. I saw a thief putting my hard earned money into his pocket. I did not want to go out for a taxi driver went out in a similar situation and was killed.
I reminded God of the covenant of “no loss” I had entered with Him. I told Him I did no t know what to do but that I needed my money back. All of a sudden I saw some guys close up on the thief and began bitting him. Another two persons come upon his accomplice and arrested him too. Two other thieves came with knives and the men who were bitting them and who happened to be policemen, fired shots into the air and the thieves ran away.
The passengers in the car whom I had advised to be calm were all surprised.
My money was recovered and given back to me. Brethren, my faith is moving from one level to another. Things are changing positively in my life since I started evangelizing with Brother Ernest.
I want to thank God for all he is doing in my life.
Bro. Jonah.

I made a pledge on which I prophesied that after honouring it, my pockets will never run dry. Brethren, this year I have been having more than enough to the glory of God.
Sis. Inda Triphine

I want to thank God for what he is doing in my life. My landlady complained that she could not sleep well at night because of too much noise and as a result, she had headache. So I told myself that since I cannot worship Him freely at home whenever I go to church, I will do so with all my strength.
During the strike on Tuesday, many parents allowed their children in school thinking that it was a very safe environment. But the tear gas the soldiers fired affected the pupils and there was total confusion and people were running up and down. I returned to my classroom to talk to the pupils asking them to calm down and shared the word of God with them.
Later on in the day when the proprietor came, I told Him how the word of God saved his school from confusion and destruction.
I also want to thank God for my brother was arrested during the strike in Douala and I stood in the gap and he was released.
Sis. Manah.

I want to testify about what God is doing in my life. About two weeks ago, the Holy Spirit laid a word in my heart for a sister in Douala. I tried to shift it to another sister who is related to the lady in Douala to whom the message was given.
Last week, when I called the friend I was praying with, she told me to hurry to her house that she was with her sister-in-law. I quickly went there and it happened that her sister-in-law was the lady I was given the message to pass to.
I used this opportunity and talked to her although she claimed not to understand but the vividness with which God has described everything, had the intended effect and God backed His word with signs and wonders to the glory of His name.
Sis. Lilian A.


“Now the magicians so worked with their enchantments to bring forth lice but they could not, so there were lice on man and beast. Then the magicians said to Pharaoh, “This is the finger of God.” (Exo.8:18-19a).
The touch of God’s finger on a man, a people or a situation can be to make, repair, construct or destroy. The finger of God is powerful. In Psalm 8:3, the Bible says, the heavens is the work of God’s finger, the moon and the stars which he has ordained.
The touch of God’s finger brings about the supernatural manifestation of His glory and mighty power.
When the Lord touched the hills, they are consumed, when he touches the mountains, they all smoke. Hills and mountains disappear by the touch of God’s finger.
The touch of God’s finger can be for love, power, cleansing, healing, deliverance, blessing, promotion, to dislocate, hinder or destroy. When god touches his enemies they are thrown into mutual confusion and are destroyed.
As you are reading this message, God’s mighty finger will touch you and miracles will begin to happen in your life.
God’s finger touch causes a flow or transfer of His anointing. Right now the finger of God will touch your head and the entirety of your life to break every yoke, and burdens in your shoulder will be rolled off in Jesus’ name (Isa. 10:27).
At the touch of God’s finger, all demons that have been disturbing and hindering your progress shall be driven out tonight in Jesus’ name (Luke 10:20).
Elisha annulled the curse in Jericho and the touch of sorrow and unpleasantness of the water of that city was turned to sweetness. This day the Lord will touch the source of your sorrow, agony, grief and pain and your situation will be turned around.
A touch of God’s finger will put a seal of His blessing on you permanently as He did for Jabez and Jacob. Then Jacob asked saying, tell me your name, I pray and he said, why is it that you ask about My name? And he blessed him there.
The touch of God’s finger on you this day shall be for healing. Jesus Christ touched the leper, his leprosy was set aside. Deadly diseases, cancer, fibroid, HIV virus/AIDS, etc in your body disappear now in Jesus’ Name. The finger of God gave the leper a new beginning. The Lord gives you a new beginning of healthy living in Jesus’ name Matthew 8:1-3.
Peter was imprisoned, bound with two chains between two soldiers and guards. The Lord sent His angel to Peter in the prison, struck him by the side. Peter’s chain fell off his hands and he was set free (Acts 12:6-7). By God’s finger, your hands, feet, destiny is untied from every prison and pit of life now in Jesus’ Name.
The touch of God’s finger is capable of bringing that which is dead alive, thereby wiping away tears and sorrow. Jesus Christ touched the coffin of the son of the widow of Nain. I decree that the Lord’s finger bring to life everything the enemy has killed and destroyed in your life.
God’s finger was upon Nehemiah, brought him favour with the king and the remnants of Israel to build the broken wall of Jerusalem. The finger of God will accelerate your progress in this season in Jesus’ Name.
God’s finger was upon Elijah, that he received supernatural strength to outrun Ahab to the gate of Jezreel. By God’s touch upon your life will outrun and outwit your enemy in Jesus’ name.
The Egyptian sorcerers and diviners were paralysed by the finger of God. I decree that every witchcraft and sorcery spirit contending and competing with God’s blessings and purpose in your life be destroyed tonight in Jesus’ Name.
There is something glorious and good that the finger of God has written concerning you that which he has written will not be thwarted, altered and further delayed but shall surely come to pass in Jesus’ name (Exo. 31:18).
The finger of God is in the covenant and the word of God. God’s finger does what no man can duplicate, what is far beyond what your enemy can match, produce results beyond human effort and imagination. This day, the finger of God will lift you up as he did it for Isaac in the land of Gerar (Gen. 26:12-14), gather the pieces of your life and relaunch you into His original plan and purpose for your life.
1) Father, touch me with the touch of love, power, glory, blessing, healing, revival, restoration, deliverance and promotion right now.
2) Father, touch the camp of my enemy today by your finger. Throw them to mutual confusion and destroy all their weapons of wickedness fashioned against me.

Monday, March 17, 2008


I want to thank God for answering prayers. In the room where I live, there has been no water for the past 7 months and I have been paying the contracted price which stipulated that water was inclusive.
I decided to approach the landlord for a reduction but each time I raised the topic, he became aggressive. I went to God in prayer and he told me that if only I will testify He will bring a change in the situation. Though I am a very shy person, I accepted this condition.
The next time I met the landlord, he was not aggressive and he accepted the amount I was proposing and more to that he forwarded my rent payment deadline to the end of the month.
I thank God for His favour.
Sis. Clotilde E.

I want to thank God for what he is doing in my family.
I have cousin in Germany who used to be very rich and at one time she was rated as the richest black woman in Germany. Nobody knew that the source of her riches was the spirit of death. I am sure she must have failed in one of the conditions because she became so poor that she decided to come back home and renew her covenant with the devil.
To the glory of God, me brother and I are born again Christians and she thinks we are responsible for her failure for we have refused to leave our faith.
Prior to her coming, I prayed to God not to let her succeed in her evil deeds and nothing worked for her. Her trip home was a total failure. A pastor was called to pray in her house but he said he could not do that alone so he went and sought reinforcement.
I thank God and I continue to pray to Him for her total salvation for I know that she will finally surrender her life to Christ.
Sis. Evelyne.

I want to thank God for His protection.
I left my house, for work and discovered on the way that my shoes were not cleaned. Although I had some tissue in my hand, the Holy Spirit told me to go back home and use a rag to clean the shoes. I obeyed and to my surprise, when I got home, I saw a thief trying to force my door open. I shouted and asked “who are you and what do you want, thief?” He ran away. I thank God for His protection.
Sis. Evelyne T.


“The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb saying, You have dwelt long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey and go to the mountains of the Amorites to all the neighbouring places in the plain in the mountain and in the low land, in the south and in the seacoast to the land of the Canaanites and to Lebanon as far as the great river Euphrates. See I have set the land before you, go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your fathers- to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob- to give to them and their descendants after them” (Deut. 1:6-8).
Your moment to move forward is come. God is not bound by time but live in timeless history. It works a timetable for man.
To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven. God spoke to the children of Israel, you are behind time, you ought to have moved from here to the next level. There is a time that stagnation, routine and failure become unacceptable. God promised them possession of the land not just gazing or sight seeing, not to be at the border but to enter and take full possession. There is a vision of God waiting for actualization, the very best you need to get into and take hold of. By all parameters, you are not yet at your best.
What can stop a man to move?
a) Complacency--- It is time to move, to shine, to manifest. God has equipped you with all that it will take you to overthrow, destroy the heathen, obstacles or mountains and they do not move until you take a move. Miracles happen only when you take a step of faith (action). Which mountain have you been occupying these past 2 or 5 or 10 years? No more room for laziness or idleness, break camp from mediocrity, wishful thinking, stagnation. Do your work with all your might and with a great sense of devotion.
b) Not willing to suffer the pain of discipline. Be willing and ready to suffer the pain of discipline. Life is stagnant until you take action. Fight your giant to get your honey, challenge all your challenges.
Where you are too small, you can expand and enlarge (II Kings 6:1-7). In the real sense, there is no stagnancy in life it is either you are progressing or regressing, so go through the necessary discipline to make progress.
c) Demonic chains or fetters--- There are invisible forces of darkness that can keep a man from making progress I life. Arise, shake off every chain and fetters tied round your destiny, call upon the God that answers by fire to release His Holy Spirit, anointing and fire upon you to consume every satanic yoke and bondage.
You must desire to move in this season because already heaven is on the move on your behalf; get on the cloud of glory that is already on the move. God is no longer giving peanuts, launch out to the deep. Discover what heaven has in stock for you and aggressively pursue it.
What to do to Move
Movement is a matter of choice, Joshua 24:15; Deut. 11:26-29. God has set before you life and death, good and evil. You can choose but He advises that you choose life so that you can live.
1) Hard work is necessary for forward movement (Prov. 22:25).
Giving connects you to the covenants but hard work connects you to the blessing. God will bless the work of your hand. In all labour there is profit, but idle chatters lead only to poverty. All hard work brings profit. God is on the move to bless your work or ministry.
2) God’s presence- No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you (Josh. 1:5). God is not a task master. He is an able support and helper. He has promised that this year all those that are committed and devoted to Him in holiness and service, the wind of His Holy Spirit will be behind them to move them forward. I believe you are one of those that will ride on the wing of the Holy Spirit this year.
It is time to move but you must move with His presence. Look for God not for the crowd in 2008 and he will take you to that place of rich fulfillment, His desired haven for you.
As you read, do introduce this blogspot to at least 7 people and the Lord will give you super abundant blessings.
Pastor Isaac. isaacbamikole@yahoo.com

Monday, March 03, 2008


“Arise, shine, For your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold the darkness shall cover the earth And deep darkness the people, But the Lord will arise over you. And his glory will be seen upon you. The gentiles shall come to your light And kings to the brightness of your rising” Isa. 60:1-3.
For you who are reading this message, the era of gloom, distress, sorrow, poverty, loneliness, failure, affliction, barrenness, oppression by sin, etc in your life is over. Whatsoever represents darkness, sin, dominion and death in your life, ministry, and career is destroyed in Jesus’ name.
The Word of God says, despite all what you have gone through, a new season, a new dawn is coming upon your destiny. “Nevertheless the gloom will not be upon he who is distressed and oppressed… the people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death upon them a light has shone. For 430 years, the children of Israel were in darkness in Egypt, oppressed, depressed and afflicted, but one day God remembered His covenant concerning them and they were liberated to go into the land flowing with milk and honey where the light and glory of God are to be made manifest in their lives. (Exodus 3: 2-8). The pillar of cloud was upon them to guide them by the day and the pillar of fire by night to lighten their paths and ways. Hence, your life will show forth the fullness of God’s life because in His light we have life.
Jacob for 20 years was in Laban’s house oppressed and afflicted, but one day, God opened a book of remembrance for Jacob. His sun was set and hence was in darkness and under the shadow of death, hated by his uncle and his children despite God’s covenant blessings they received through Jacob.
One day, the sun of Jacob that was set, rose again. Your sun shall rise because the sun of righteousness has risen upon you. “Just as he crossed over Penuel, the sun rose on him and he limped on his thigh(Gen. 32:31). Your period of gloom and slavery is over.
Listen to God’s word of God for you, now is the time of God’s favour, now is the day of salvation.” This is your day; this is your season to shine.
Why am I so sure that this is your season to shine? The Bible says, “through the tender mercy of our God with which the Dayspring from on high has visited us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death and to guide us into the way of peace” (Luke 1: 78-79).
Jesus Christ has appeared on you too as light, so you are to move up, become higher, expand and come back to life, come into your brightness, give out the light of God in you, radiate it to become visible and attractive. In Matthew 5:16, the scripture says, “let you light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven.” Jesus has made you the light of the world to show forth God’s glory, majesty, splendour, radiance, power and magnificence.
What to do to shine forth.
1. fear the name of the Lord. The sun of righteousness will arise with healing in its wings on those who fear the Lord’s name (Matt 4:2).
2. Walk in obedience to all God’s commands and ways (Isa. 1:19).
3. Live a holy, pure and righteous life (Prov. 4:18; Heb. 12:14).
4. Ask for the continuous outpouring of the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s power and fire (Zech 10:1).
5. Walk in the revelational knowledge of God’s word (Ps. 119:105; Ps 119:130).
6. Witness for Him. Preach the Good News with the demonstration of the Spirit’s power (Dan. 12:3).
7. Constant and regular communion and fellowship with God who is the Father of Light and dwells in unapproachable and unquenchable light (Exo. 34:29-30).


1. Thank God for this season of favour and time for your moving up to shine.
2. Ask God to destroy the roots of fear, sorrow, distress, gloom and sin in your life.
3. Confess and repent of your sins, bind every spirit manipulating your destiny, against your rising and shinning.
4. Command the satanic barriers blocking the sunlight of your glory and breakthrough in life to be dispersed.
5. Lord let wonderful changes begin, to be my lot from now.

N.B: Please introduce this website to at least 7 people and your miracle will be perfected.
“You can write back to us on the following E mails; rccgzion@yahoo.com


I want to thank God for His goodness in my life and also to testify about the power in the blood of Jesus.
Last week, I traveled to Bamenda with some friends for a burial. I was inside praying and realized that they started working without praying. I came out and led prayers. As I started praising and worshipping, I suddenly became restless as if parts of my body were falling off. I pleaded the blood of Jesus and after 5 minutes, my body became normal and I had peace to the glory of God.
During the day, as we sat and were discussing, a fat rat fell from the ceiling; just by my side and we called the fire of the Holy Spirit upon it and pleaded the blood of Jesus and it died without us touching it. I thank God for His protection upon my life.
Sr. Margaret Ngwa.

I want to thank God for His protection over our lives. He saved us from a fire disaster which could have occurred as a result of a pot forgotten on a gas cooker.
Sr. Evodia.

I want to testify about the faithfulness of God in my life. Since last year, He showed me and office wherein He would love me to work. I thank Him for two weeks ago, I was removed from the bus and sent to the office and I can now sleep until morning for before this I used to get up at 3 o’clock in the morning.
Sr. Lilian.

I want to thank God for journey mercies and for healing.
Br. Randy.

I want to thank God for His word to me when we were entering 2008.
I was temporarily transferred to the Presidency and I went before Him in prayers for a permanent transfer. I thank Him for His establishment because last week, I got a letter of permanent transfer from the Minister.
Sr. Irene.
N.B: Please introduce this website to at least 7 people and your miracle will be perfected.
“You can write back to us on the following E mails; rccgzion@yahoo.com